(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 357: The Genealogical Adam and Eve Part 2

Were Adam and Eve historical people? Is their historicity compatible with genetic science’s findings about human origins? This episode continues our discussion of whether a historical Adam and Eve is compatible with genetic science. Our guest is once again Dr. S. Joshua Swamidass. Dr. Swamidass is an M.D. and Ph.D. research scientist. His recent book, published by InterVarsity Press, is entitled, The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry. Contrary to other Christian biologists, whose research in the last twenty years has led some apologetics ministries to deny the historicity of Adam and Eve, Dr. Swamidass argues that a historical Adam and Eve is quite possible and not in conflict with genetic science. In Part 2 of our conversation, we get into the specifics of Dr. Swamidass’s hypothesis and how it could be sustained by the biblical text and be congruent with biblical theology.

**Use code NBP40 on IVPress’ website to purchase The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry  and receive a 40% discount and free shipping in the U.S. until 1/15/21.**


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