Where The Old Testament Teaches Penal Substitution

The idea that Jesus died in our place, suffering the penalty for our sins, is under serious attack. We need to understand where we can find Penal Substitutionary Atonement ideas in the Bible, starting with the Old Testament. This is part of a series explaining and defending Penal Substitutionary Atonement. I’ll cover biblical data, historical data, moral objections and more so that you will understand the doctrine, how to defend it and what’s really wrong with this modern move against the biblical teaching on Jesus’ sacrificial death. Today we are looking at the idea of sacrifice and atonement in the OT, the Day of Atonement, the Passover sacrifice, and (if we have time) Isaiah 53 and penal substitution.

Here’s the whole playlist on PSA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHttVR0rkvhBfA-IKrg5SGcp

More amazing connections between Jesus and Passover https://youtu.be/A-_6rpQ4zLg

How the 5 main sacrifices in Leviticus point to Jesus https://youtu.be/_GOvVSZJxCU

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