Twenty two Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah 01 Arcanum 1 The Magician

A free audio lecture download about the arcanum of the Tarot, “The Magician,” and the Hebrew letter aleph.

Lecture quote:

“The term ‘magician’ has been grossly degenerated in our modern time. It actually comes from a very ancient root. When I pointed out this term ‘Atman,’ this has a relationship with the term ‘magician,’ with its roots. You’ve probably heard the Sanskrit word Mahatma: this is a compound word from Maha-atman. Atman is our own Inner Father, our own Inner Spirit (Chesed). ‘Maha’ means ‘great’ in Sanskrit: Maha-atman—great spirit, great soul. In Sanskrit, an H can also be a G: so maha can also be read as maga, mage, magi. A magi is a priest. We know the three magi from the stories of the Bible, the New Testament, which were three kings, or three priests, who came from the east to worship the Christ. But the term magi, or mage, actually comes from ancient Sanskrit and an Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian term, from ‘mag’ or ‘maha,’ and the magi were worshipers of the sun, priests. The sun, of course we know, is a symbol of the Christ. So the real magician is a priest. And working with magic, real magic, is actually a sacred priesthood, a sacred office. Most importantly, the real magician is not the terrestrial person. The one who really works with magic is our own Inner Father, our inner maha-atman.”

This article is from the free online course The Twenty-two Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah.

Course Description:

This free online course is a thorough exploration of the universal principles contained in the twenty-two arcana of the Tarot, the Hebrew letters, and the Kabbalah.

“The Tree of Life is the spinal medulla. This Tree of Wisdom is also the ten Sephiroth, the twenty-two creative Major Arcana, letters, sounds, and numbers, with which the Logos (God) created the universe.” – Samael Aun Weor

This course was originally given live and unscripted on Gnostic Radio. It is accompanied by a great deal of written material, including lecture transcriptions.

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