[Tutorial] How to Get/Increase YouTube subscribers daily for free with Ytpals (Gain/Grow subscriber)

how to increase YouTube subscribers 2
how to increase YouTube subscribers 2


1. Visit www.ytpals.com

2. Click ”Get free YouTube subscribers Now

3. Your YouTube channel link needed.

4. Visit www.youtube.com

5. Click on your Gmail or Channel logo

6. Click on ”Your Channel

7. Copy the link

8. Go back to www.ytpals.com & paste the link where it needed

9. Click on ”I’m not a robot” to Verify that you are not a robot

10. Click on ”Let me in now”

11. Put your password & click ”Let me in now”

12. Click on ”Activate Now” on free plan

This is What you must get & do:
# Gain 10 Subs in 12 Hours
# You Like 20 Videos
# You Sub to 20 Channels
# You Manually Activate Plan
# Activate 1x Every 12 Hours
# Sub Count Must Be Public
# Must Have 1+ Videos Posted.

13. You are to like & subscribe to all the 20 videos given to you

14. Click on ”Like” & ”subscribe” on each channel given to you

15. ”Like” & ”subscribe” to the video

16. After you ”Like” & ”subscribe” to the video close the YouTube tab & return to ytpals.com

17. Click ”Confirm”

18. Wait for the Verification to be ”Successful”

19. 19. Continue doing the same things to all the 20 videos


Now Other people will also like & Subscribe to your channel

This is what make this real human subscribers

Finally, if you have any question drop your comment below.


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