The Power To Get Wealth By Apostle Joshua Selman Part 1

The Power To Get Wealth By Apostle Joshua Selman Part 1

Most people who desire to prosper, don’t first address their mental state as pertains to their prosperity. As it is in your mind, so it manifests in your life.

Physical Laws of Wealth and Abundance:

1). The Law of Mental Transformation

Your belief system and thinking has a relationship with your finances and destiny.

The realities captured in your thoughts and belief system will eventually find expression and translate to your physical reality.

Proverbs 23:7 (KJV)

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Your thoughts can transform to your physical reality. As it is in your mind, so shall it be in your life.

Your reality is a product of your most dominant thoughts. Everything in life is built twice; first in your mind, then in your physical reality.

• Everything in this Kingdom is built twice; first in your mind and then in your physical reality.

• Your mind is an extraordinarily fertile garden. It will grow any seed (ideas) that is planted and watered, and bring about a harvest. Your mind doesn’t have the ability to reject seeds. You must pay attention to what you plant in your mind.

• Proverbs 4:23 (KJV)

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.

When you haven’t evolved to a superior version of yourself and money at a high level comes to you, your mindset will fight that result until you return to default.

• What you do is not really the problem, it is who you are.

Everything is waiting for you to grow. Everything you are looking for is also looking for you; but not this version of you.

• Packaging without mental upgrade will only lead you to frustration. Your physical environment will gradually and eventually reflect the true state of your mindset.

How to Change Your Mindset:

1). The mind is renewed by access to superior, Word-based information.

2). A repetition of those ideas until conviction is established.

Physical Laws of Wealth and Abundance:

2). The Law of Value

• Your value is a measure of your skill, your gift, your ability (acquired or inherent).

• Your value decides who pursues you and who rewards you. We get paid and rewarded for bringing value to the market place.

• You must discover and develop problem solving skills if you want to prosper. Do not superstitiously hope to get blessed without being valuable.

Physical Laws of Wealth and Abundance:

3). The Law of Productivity

• Productivity is the ability to create, make or enhance products and services.

• Productivity is the ability to refine and develop your value, turn it into products and services that are needed and useful, and serve it with excellence to a targeted consumer base.

• Being valuable is not enough. Your value must be developed, refined, and served with excellence.

• Competence and excellence are magnets; attracting people, resources and opportunities to your life.

• Every financial resource God gives you contains both bread and seed.

• There are two basic reasons why we save; for Emergency and for Investments.

• The power to get wealth is an empowerment upon an individual or organisation to provide extraordinary solutions to the needs of men leading to all kinds of rewards principally financial rewards.

• Matthew 10:41 (KJV)

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