(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 204: Grammar and Bible Study with Steve Runge

On this episode of the podcast we once again devote time to acquainting listeners with strategies and tools for more productive Bible study. Dr. Heiser talks to Dr. Steve Runge, a colleague at Logos Bible Software and an important name in the study of Greek grammar. Dr. Runge’s focus is discourse, a linguistic term for studying the biblical text above the word level. If you don’t know Greek, don’t fear! Dr. Runge’s methods apply to English as well—and he has been instrumental in creating tools for English-only Bible students that are firmly grounded in original language study. Listen and learn how to become a better student of the biblical text. The videos below feature Dr. Runge teaching some of the concepts we discuss and work through in this episode.

You already know discourse grammar but didn’t realize it (several videos)

Logos Bible Software datasets for the Greek New Testament (the dataset adds symbols to your English reverse interlinear)

Dr. Runge’s commentaries for English readers that derive from his grammar study


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