Surfaces Mostly Safe, New Airline Safety Upgrades & Baby Bust (+ Explaining Covid-Tracing Tech)- Thursday, May 21st, 2020

The news to know for Thursday, May 21st, 2020!

What to know today about a worldwide spike in COVID-19 cases, what the CDC now says about the virus living on surfaces, and a new battle over mail-in ballots.

Plus, how airlines are stepping up safety protocols and what’s behind a “baby bust,” meaning fewer babies are being born.

Those stories and more in less than 10 minutes!

Then, hang out after the news for the Thing to Know Thursday bonus interview about new contact tracing technology that could end up on your smartphone.


Head to to read more about our guest or any of the stories mentioned.

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WHO Global Rise in Cases: ABC News, NBC News, Reuters

New U.S. Hotpots: WaPo, PolicyLab

Case Count/Death Toll: Johns Hopkins

CDC on spread of COVID-19: USA Today, FOX News, CDC Trump Mail Voting Attacks:  ABC News, Axios, Reuters, Michigan Tweet, Nevada Tweet

Michigan Flooding Update: AP, Weather Channel, WSJ, CNN, Detroit Free Press, Midland Daily News

India, Bangladesh Cyclone: Reuters, Al Jazeera

Contact Tracing Software Released: TechCrunch, USA Today, WSJ

U.S. Airlines Safety Upgrades: Reuters, FOX News, Delta, JetBlue, United

Victoria Secret, Bath and Body Works Closing Stores: USA Today, Forbes, CNBC

Ford Halts Production: CNN, WSJ

Trump to Tour Ford Plant Today: ABC News, CBS News

Baby Bust: AP, Bloomberg, The Hill, CDC

Red Nose Day: AP, Deadline, Red Nose Day

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