Skeptics Respond To The Evidence For The Resurrection of Jesus

Here’s some links you may want…

  • My full presentation on the resurrection of Jesus – CLICK HERE
  • A lot of good stuff on the evidence for the resurrection – CLICK HERE

Some of the debates or other vids that I watched where you can hear the skeptics react to the evidence…

How do skeptics respond to the evidential case for the resurrection of Jesus? We will look at Bart Ehrman, Dan Barker, Richard Carrier, Sam Harris, Dan Barker, and Matt Dillahunty. If you pay attention to what these guys say then you can see that they don’t actually try to come up with reasonable explanations of the evidence. Instead, they tend to attack the idea of miracles or say that belief in the resurrection is the same as belief in some other miracle claims which don’t have evidence like the resurrection does. I find these tactics very revealing.

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