Practical Spirituality 4 The Yoga of Devotion

The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali explain that intense devotion to Ishvara can bring about Samadhi (ecstasy). Learn about real Bhakti Yoga, the real identity of Ishvara, the true Guru or Master, and how the stages of Yoga really work. Includes discussion of the psychological and ethical basis of yoga, what Japa is, and the power of the mantra OM.

“Under whatever name and form, it is Isvara who is adored. Worship goes to the Indweller, the Lord in the form. It is ignorance to think that one form is superior to another. All forms are one and the same. All are adoring the same Lord. The differences are only differences of names due to differences in the worshippers, but not in the object of adoration. The real Jesus or Krishna is in your own heart. He lives there for ever. He is your Indweller. He is your partner always. There is no friend like the Indweller. Resort to Him. Take refuge in Him. Realise Him and be free.” – Swami Sivananda

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