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Naked Bible 479: 1 Samuel 30-31

With Dr. Matthew Halsted

After the Amalekites attacked Ziklag and took captive Davids wives and other people, David and his men pursued and defeated the Amalekites, recovering all of the captives and goods. Meanwhile, Saul and his men were defeated an

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Naked Bible 478: 1 Samuel 29

With Dr. Matthew Halsted

1 Samuel 29tells the story of Davids rejection by the Philistines. David had been living in exile with the Philistines after being anointed king of Israel by the prophet Samuel. The Philistines were preparing for battle

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Naked Bible 477: 1 Samuel 28

With Dr. Ronn Johnson

Saul is afraid of the Philistines and seeks guidance from God, but God does not answer him. Saul then disguises himself and goes to a medium in Endor to ask her to bring up the spirit of Samuel. The medium is able to summon Samue

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Naked Bible 476: 1 Samuel 27

With Dr. Denise Flanders

David flees to the land of the Philistines in fear of Saul. He lies to the Philistine king, Achish, and tells him that he is no longer a loyal Israelite. Achish believes David and gives him a place to live in Ziklag. David and