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Day 318: Love for the Poor

2023-11-14 RMboss 0

The Church’s charity for the poor is a “part of her constant tradition.” Fr. Mike unpacks how the poor are the “true treasure of the Church.” He emphasizes that when we give to the poor what they need, we satisfy the requirements of justice. He also reiterates the importance of mercy and showing mercy to others. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2443-2449.

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Day 317: International Justice and Solidarity

2023-11-13 RMboss 0

Internationally, there is often a large gap in the resources between countries. The Catechism explains the justice and solidarity that should exist among all nations, rich and poor. Rich nations have a duty of solidarity, charity, and justice to support nations who are unable to fully ensure their own development. Fr. Mike emphasizes that direct aid is not all the Church advocates for, but that we also have a duty to help reform these nations. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2437-2442.

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Day 316: Labor and Social Justice

2023-11-12 RMboss 0

Work is both a gift and a duty. Today, we explore how labor can impact man’s dignity and unite us to Jesus, the carpenter. Fr. Mike emphasizes that work should not be ordered towards economic gain, but rather, it should be ordered toward man’s dignity and the human community. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2426-2436.

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Day 315: The Church’s Social Doctrine

2023-11-11 RMboss 0

Together, with Fr. Mike, we examine both our respect for the integrity of creation as well as the Church’s broader social doctrine. Fr. Mike emphasizes that we owe animals kindness because they have been entrusted to our stewardship, but also that we must have a balanced relationship with them. He then goes on to examine the Church’s Social Doctrine in our postmodern world, focusing on capitalism, socialism, and communism. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2415-2425.

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Day 314: Goods of Others

2023-11-10 RMboss 0

What does it mean to have respect for the goods of others? Fr. Mike unpacks the Catechism’s answer to this question and what it teaches about the seventh commandment in regards to respect for persons and their goods. We learn that it comes down to the dignity of persons and the virtues of temperance, justice, and solidarity. Today’s readings are Catechism paragraphs 2407-2414.