Gnosis of Buddha Dharma 01 The Gnostic Buddha
More than 2,500 years ago, a man decided to find out why there is suffering, and how to overcome it. He succeeded, and became known as “The Buddha,” which means, “One who is awake.”
More than 2,500 years ago, a man decided to find out why there is suffering, and how to overcome it. He succeeded, and became known as “The Buddha,” which means, “One who is awake.”
A profound, advanced lecture about the heights of the path to heaven and the development of objective reasoning within the superior realms of the Bodhisattva.
Anastasis, or the process of Resurrection within the Initiate. The two types of Resurrection: with the physical body or the Body of Liberation, as well as the Ordeal of Job. Lecture relates to Binah, the Holy Spirit.
Prajna is the transcendent wisdom of the emptiness, the Absolute or Void, which the Bohisattva enters through the previous Paramitas.
The descension and development of the Pneuma (Spirit) in relation to the Bodhisattva. The process of crucifixion within any Initiate upon the Mount of the Skull; the work of the dissolution of the ego in the Second Mountain.
Dhyana, or meditation, as the fulfillment and unfoldment of the previous Paramitas. The importance, practice and science of meditation, the methodology by which the aspirant may comprehend their own suffering.
The psychological relationship of the Bodhichitta through the union of Buddhi, the Divine Consciousness, with Tiphereth, the Human Soul. Also explicates the nature of Objective Reasoning in relation to one’s level of spiritual development.
How the aspirant must utilize the virtue of Heroic Action (diligence) and confidence in order to overcome the obstacles of laziness and defeatism.
How Christ manifests in front of the Bodhisattva and guides him: how God guides the human being. The revelation of Theos (God) or Khrestos (Christ) upon the Mountain of Initiation and throughout the esoteric path.
The Paramita of Patience or Endurance, how through Generosity and Ethics the student initiates spiritual practice, yet through the virtue of patience how one endures the resistance and difficulties that arrive within any spiritual endeavor.
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