National Enquirer’s Deal, Legal Hemp & Most Googled Person – Thursday, December 13th, 2018

All the news you need to know for Thursday, December 13th, 2018! 

Today: how many years President Trump’s former lawyer will spend in prison and the second deal prosecutors made. 

Plus: a form of cannabis is about to be legal, an option for a LuLulemon subscription and the most Googled person of 2018.

Those stories and many more in less than 10 minutes!

Award-winning broadcast journalist and former TV news reporter Erica Mandy breaks it all down for you. 

 Then, hang out after the news for Thing to Know Thursday. This week we’re talking about travel trends and tips for 2019, from top destinations to best times to book flights.

Travel expert Shellie Bailey-Shah is the founder and editor of KidTripster, an online family travel magazine that provides information and inspiration to families traveling anywhere in the world.

See links and sources for all the stories referenced in today’s episode at and click Episodes.

Today’s episode is brought to you by The Neat Company. Go to to take advantage of your 30-day free trial and keep track of your finances faster and easier!

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