Machinery of the Soul 12 The End of the Machine

Now, it is indeed necessary to make a full differentiation between alaya-vijnana and sunyata […]

Alaya-vijnana is a purely psychological concept. Sunyata is undoubtedly an ontological concept […]

One thing is the frightening and terrible machinery of relativity, and another thing, absolutely different, is the Illuminating Void… 

This advanced lecture clarifies the difference between the alaya-vijnana and the Illuminating Void. It also speaks about building the Tree of Life in the world of Yetzirah, and, its connection with Nirmanakaya and Resurrection.

Discusses how the Four Worlds of Kabbalah are related to the Three Realms of Samsara along with the Illuminated Void.

Also covers: Samatha (meditative concentration), the Eight Dhyanas in relationship to the Illuminating Void, the necessity of vipasyana (insight), and power of tantra in combination with samatha to achieve liberation, and discussion of the Prajnaparamita Sutra mantra: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!

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