Machinery of the Soul 08 The Elements of Ordeals

Explains the qualities of the soul related to earth, water, fire, air, and space, how these qualities are tested on the Path, and common signs of lacking balance of the elements.

In the solitude of these mysterious sanctuaries, the neophytes were submitted to the four Initiatic ordeals. The ordeals of fire, air, water and earth always defined the diverse purifications of the neophytes. The neophytes are submitted to the four Initiatic ordeals which are verified in the Internal Worlds. The human being still is not a king or queen of nature, but the human being is called to be a king in accordance to Melchizedeck. Disciples must be tested by the four elements in order to examine them. They are submitted to ordeals in the forty-nine regions of thought. These ordeals are for everyone, man and woman. One can help oneself by having pure thoughts, but this is not enough; Meditation is necessary.

  • Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah

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