I Changed My Mind About The Bible and Alcohol

I actually had a hard time coming around on this topic but, in the end, the Bible constrained me to change my view on alcohol. The difference between me and the progressives we are responding to is that my mind was changed by the Bible and I get the impression that they would believe whatever they want whether the Bible said it or not.

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This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers’ channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the “progressive Christian” Ragamuffin TV. You’ll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded.

Here’s a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHstu7p_vncGknpVhWp9uxc1

Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa’s channel
Part 1 https://youtu.be/wVLLuyN-Ezo
Part 2 https://youtu.be/CoBW3LY8xiw


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