How to submit site for Chrome news feed

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How to submit your site

To submit your site, follow the steps below:

  1. Open Google News Publisher Center.
  2. Use Search Console to verify ownership of your news site.
  3. Click Request inclusion in news index.
  4. Enter your website details, including news section URLs and labels.
  5. Click Submit.

After your inclusion request is submitted, “Inclusion request submitted” displays and your site is reviewed by the Google News team within the next 1-3 weeks. Website owners can check the Publisher Center for updates on their inclusion requests.

If your website is accepted, you’ll see “Included” under News. If your site submission is rejected, you’ll see “Review complete: Site rejected.”

We cannot share specific feedback for your site regarding Google News inclusion. However, you can use the Publisher help forum to seek guidance from other publishers and you may re-apply for inclusion after 60 days.

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