Genesis 1-11: Q + R

This summer we’re releasing audio of Q and R’s that we did on our Youtube channel talking through different books in the Old Testament. In this episode, Tim and Jon discuss Genesis 1-11, and the video they made on it.

Thank you to all of our supporters and listeners. You can find more resources, all free here at our website.

Q’s and Timestamps:

  1. Why did we leave out the snake in the video? (1:00)
  2. Why did we leave out the snake in the video? (1:00)
  3. What is imagery of serpent in ancient culture? (3:14)
  4. Does it matter if we read Genesis literally or not? (7:15)
  5. What is the deal with genealogies in the Genesis? (14:07)
  6. Did God create the earth twice in Genesis 1 and 2? (18:28)
  7. Did God create the earth twice in Genesis 1 and 2? (18:28)
  8. What would have happened if Adam and Eve had not chosen the fruit in the story? (27:19)
  9. Who are “the sons of god” in Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch? (33:16)

Original video conversation:

Additional Resources:
John Walton, ​The Lost World of Genesis One​
John Walton, ​The Lost World of Adam and Eve​
John Walton, ​Genesis​, The NIV Application Commentary
Michael Heiser, ​The Unseen Realm​ [for the “sons of God” in Genesis 6]
John Sailhamer, ​Genesis​ [in volume 1 of ​The Expositor’s Bible Commentary​]

Music Credits:
Defender Instrumental by Rosasharn Music

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