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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 151: Ezekiel 37

2017-03-26 RMboss 0

Ezekiel 37 is one of the most familiar in the entire book, but that familiarity really extends only to the first fourteen verses. The chapter actually contains two oracles which telegraph the same ideas and work in tandem. This episode discusses the visi

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Witnessing to Jews: Romans 3:28-4:13

2017-03-26 BibleThinker 0

How the Bible teaches that Abraham and David were righteous by faith apart from works. This study is part of a verse by verse series through the book of Romans with pastor Mike Winger of Hosanna Christian Fellowship in Bellflower, CA.

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Deep Theology: Romans 3:21-28

2017-03-19 BibleThinker 0

We are meant to GO DEEP into our understanding of the scriptures. And it’s not as hard you may have thought! This careful study of Romans 3:21-28 will deal with topics of propitiation, imputation, justification, boasting, and the comfort of having accepted that you are a totally lost sinner saved totally by the grace of God.
Be blessed.

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 150: Ezekiel 35-36

2017-03-18 RMboss 0

These two chapters seems intrusive. The oracles against the nations ended in Ezekiel 32, followed by the announcement of Jerusalem’s fall (ch. 33) and a transition to the future hope of Israel (ch. 34). Chapters 35-36 are an oracle against Edom (“Mount S