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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 162: The Evil Eye

2017-06-11 RMboss 0

The “evil eye” was a widespread superstition in the ancient world, one that continues on into the present day. The belief that one could cause someone harm merely by looking at them, or cast a spell over them by the same means, shows up in ancient Egypt,

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Mormons, Muslims, Manuscripts and More: Romans 8:1-4

2017-06-04 BibleThinker 0

Here’s a list of topics we get to in this video.
Where Islam and Mormonism stand on a foundation they reject.
One important truth for Christian psychology.
An analogy for the OT Law.
Translation issues in Romans 8.
Conviction verses condemnation.
Theological prophecy.
An big picture view of our transition from Law to Spirit.
Jesus’ true identity and the falseness of Gnosticism
Refuting Mormon teaching about the pre-existence of souls
And some info on the wonderful Vietnamese soup “Pho”.