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Why God Hardens Hearts: Romans 9:17-24

2017-09-03 BibleThinker 0

9 conclusions we can make about the doctrine of hardening.
Starting with Romans 9 we look at the biblical teaching on how, when and why God hardens hearts.

Questions from the Q&A at the end of the video

Does Romans 9:29 mean that God will create some people specifically to dishonor Him in order to carry out His will?
Is this an example of God simply knowing what the actions of Pharaoh would be if he were in that situation?
The process of a person becoming hard seems to begin with that person’s own will before God hardens them.
Does the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit relate to having a permanently hard heart?
Can you pray for someone’s heart to be softened?

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 175: Hebrews 1:1-4

2017-09-02 RMboss 0

Hebrews 1:1-4 sets the tone for the entire epistle. The writer asserts that the revelation given by God through one particular son—Jesus Christ—is superior to Torah. It is Christ who is the full expression of God’s wisdom, and the actual, essential being

The Promise

2017-09-01 Snap Judgment 0

Promises. Some of them are worthless, and some of them have infinite value, and some you will never know how much they are worth… until you have to cash them in. Season 7 Episode 7

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Non-Calvinist Interpretation of Romans 9

2017-08-27 BibleThinker 0

A careful verse by verse treatment of the passage that stands at the center of much of the debate on Calvinism. This is meant to be a loving and thoughtful handling of the difficult passage Romans 9. I appreciate gracious responses from those who disagree.