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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 177: Hebrews 2

2017-09-16 RMboss 0

In Hebrews 2 the writer continues to focus on the supremacy of Christ to the Law (Torah) and angels. Christ is superior for many reasons, but chiefly because only he, through his sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection could provide the eternal sacri

The Performer

2017-09-15 Snap Judgment 0

The hardest character to play is the character without a script.   Magic Lamp Glynn’s good luck charm goes missing. Producer: Mark Ristich   Cassandro El Exotico Cassandro is an up-and-coming luchador, a professional Mexican wrestler. He wants to get to

Spooked Sneak Peek

2017-09-12 Snap Judgment 0

Supernatural Storytelling. Experience Snap’s new haunted podcast, “Spooked!”  Featuring “Houdini’s Promise” and “The Night Mother.”  

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 176: Hebrews 1:5-14

2017-09-09 RMboss 0

The writer of Hebrews builds on his assertions that the particular son of God (Jesus) who was the agent of creation, eternal wisdom, and the essence of God, by comparing him to other supernatural sons of God (angels). But what does a phrase like “You are

Campfire Tales IV – Primal

2017-09-07 Snap Judgment 0

Have you ever happily wandered the woods? Not a care in the world. Then right after sunset felt a hot, oily breath breathing down your shoulder? Snap Judgment proudly presents “Campfire Tales IV – Primal.” *Get the NEW Spooked Podcast now at SpookedPodca