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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 181: Hebrews 3

2017-10-15 RMboss 0

Hebrews 3 is the reader’s first introduction to what will be a familiar tension in the book: conditional statements about the believer’s salvation status. This episode focuses on this tension, pointing out that conditional statements in Hebrews are not a

The Incident At Poison Spider Mesa

2017-10-13 Snap Judgment 0

The story of two men who come face to face one night in the canyon lands of southern Utah. Brody Young is a Utah State Park Ranger and motivational speaker, helping other people figure out how to survive the unsurvivable.  To find out more about his stor

Lost In Time

2017-10-10 Snap Judgment 0

Time Warp Saloon The neon sign blinks at the roadhouse bar. The jukebox plays an old tune as the bartender shouts, “Last Call.” Just one more. Why not? What could it hurt? This story came to Spooked from Jim Harold’s Campfire Podcast, hosted by Jim Harol

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God has NOT forsaken Israel: Romans 11:1-6

2017-10-08 BibleThinker 0

After establishing that prophecy indicated Messiah would be rejected and that the Gentiles would come to believe in Yahweh through Him(in Romans 9 and 10) we come to the issue of Israel and their current relationship with God. The question is, “has God forsaken Israel?” And the answer is a big “no way!”
Not only does this truth give hope for Israel, it gives us courage and hope in God’s patient love for all who come to Him through the grace of Christ. In this study we will also take a look at 1 Kings 19 and hear a word of encouragement about facing discouragement from what Elijah went through.

Man Of Steel

2017-10-06 Snap Judgment 0

When an immovable object meets an unstoppable force, what is left standing?  Sharp Dressed Man Glynn discovers discovers the man behind the man he wants to be. Producer: Pat Mesiti Miller   The Price Of Silence How did Ben Holmes disappear and then reap