(Joel Osteen Podcast) Ease Is Coming – Joel Osteen
We all go through seasons of struggle and difficulty but that’s not your permanent home. Just like oil is used to make things flow easier, [Read more]
We all go through seasons of struggle and difficulty but that’s not your permanent home. Just like oil is used to make things flow easier, [Read more]
The Snap Judgment Holiday Special features two good Santas in “Miracle on 22nd Street,” a misguided angel in “Preaching to the Choir,” and Snap story makers as they look back on their favorite stories of 2017. Season 8 Episode 32
Don’t let your own voice distort the voice of God. You need to shake off whatever’s trying to hold you down. You may feel weak, [Read more]
Are you ready to see your life go to a new level? Then it’s time to walk in greater humility. It takes humility to overlook [Read more]
In his ninth chapter, the writer of Hebrews continues with his theme of the superiority of Christ over the Levitical sacrifices and priesthood. In chapter 8 he had referred to the “heavenly tent,” where Jesus was seated “at the right hand of majesty” sub
Let Moss Hills take you on sea cruise … To learn more about the sinking of the Oceanos, be sure to check out: www.oceanossinking.com/ And you like that, you definitely won’t want to miss the video of the ship’s final moments: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfIZ
If we’re going to create the life that we want to live with our family, we have to keep the tone of a winner. We’re [Read more]
We look today at the gifts of teaching, exhortation, giving, mercy, leading and serving. To get a more biblical philosophy of the church. To understand how the gifts of the Spirit are to operate in a local fellowship of Christians. What astounds me as we look into Romans 12 is the universality of the gifts of the Spirit and the call to all of us to do our part in a godly way. This means that many believers today should probably be more involved in using these gifts than they already are. The pastor isn’t the only gifted person in the church! You too have gifts and a calling to use them!
There’s a battle constantly taking place on the inside between the two yous. The Scripture calls this the battle between the flesh and the spirit.We [Read more]
The writer of Hebrews has, to this point, put forth the idea that Jesus is superior to Moses, Melchizedek, the Aaronic / Levitical Priesthood, and the angels. In this chapter he adds another point of comparison—the Mosaic covenant. The work of Jesus on t
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