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The Watchtower and the Second Coming | Live-stream

2018-01-10 BibleThinker 0

I’m responding to Watchtower claims about Jesus’ resurrection and second coming. Did Jesus’ body rot in the tomb? What are the signs of Jesus’ return? 
It’s time to deal with the Watchtower and the second coming!
Click this link to go to the article we are reviewing:
Here is the video I mentioned about documented, false JW prophecies:

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How You Can Be More Like Jesus: Romans 12:9-11

2018-01-08 BibleThinker 0

Living out the 8 character traits in Romans 12:9-11 is how you can be more like Jesus. We are constantly being called to live a more Christ-like life and to allow God to transform our attitudes and actions. In preparing this Bible study I found that my own life was changed and it made me really excited to share these wonderful truths with you! Romans 12:9-11 has a very serious character challenge for us. It reminds us of what kind of person Jesus really was and what type of person a Christian is supposed to be. If you want to do Bible study, verse by verse through the whole book of Romans then just follow this link.… This YouTube channel is dedicated to thinking biblically about everything. Check out my playlists for tons of content on theology, controversial issues, evidence for the Bible, verse by verse teaching and more. New videos on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 5pm PST.

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 197: Hebrews 11

2018-01-07 RMboss 0

Many Christians refer to Hebrews 11 as the “hall of faith.” The label is appropriate, but the chapter raises questions. Why did the Old Testament individuals listed in Hebrews 11 “make the cut”? Was there something extraordinary about them? This episode


2018-01-05 Snap Judgment 0

There are big stories with weight, little stories with heart, and then the stories that are just STOOPID. Date With The Devil When he was younger, Greg Stone was always a good boyfriend. Or, he tried to be. Producer: Liz Mak Original Score: Leon Morimoto

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 196: Hebrews 10

2017-12-31 RMboss 0

Hebrews 10 wraps up the author’s discourse on the superiority of the high priesthood of Jesus—a theme begun in chapter five. The chapter revisits how the Torah’s system of sacrifices could not take away sin as it was a shadow of things to come. The autho