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Why Mormons and Christians Can’t Understand Each Other

2018-01-24 BibleThinker 0

They don’t mean what you THINK they mean. You’ll find out about Mormons using the same vocabulary as Christians but having a different dictionary for what those words actually mean to them. Some of the terms we will cover are; God the Father, Jesus, Salvation, Create, Monotheism, Grace, and others.Use this resource to share with others so they too can have the Mormon secret language revealed.

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A Biblical View of the Separation of Church and State: Romans 13:1-7

2018-01-21 BibleThinker 0

Looking at specific Bible passages that give us principles to answer some very tough questions about government.
1. What’s a biblical view of the separation of church and state?
2. Is there such a thing as an entirely secular government?
3. What’s wrong with govt trying to act like it’s the church?
4. What’s wrong with church acting like it’s the govt?
5. Why shouldn’t Christians turn their back on govt?
6. Where does the Bible stand on capital punishment?
7. Should preachers speak out against government?
8. Do Christians want a theocracy?

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 199: Hebrews 13

2018-01-20 RMboss 0

The final chapter of the book of Hebrews combines pastoral encouragement for believers under stress and reminders about the superiority of Jesus against what their persecutors were offering.  This episode wraps up our book study by highlighting how the w

Linda, Loretta, and Me

2018-01-18 Snap Judgment 0

Linda, Loretta, and Me What happens when boy meets girl and… fungus? This is a story about love and spores, from one of our favorite podcasts, Love Me. You can find more episodes of Love Me at or whenever you listen to podcasts. Be sure to

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If Only Christians Would Act Like This! Romans 12:12-21

2018-01-15 BibleThinker 0

Romans 12 gives us a SUCH a character challenge that I find myself saying “If only Christians would act like this”. But the more important question I need to ask myself is, “am I acting like this”. Let’s take a moment to get the plank out of our own eye in this verse by verse study of Romans 12:12-21. We will tackle all the major issues head on and be reminded of the kind of person Jesus exampled for us and the kind of person we are called to be.

I hope and pray this motivates you powerfully and even if it breaks your heart a bit it would only be to make you stronger in Christ!

in Christ,

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(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 198: Hebrews 12

2018-01-14 RMboss 0

Hebrews 12 follows on the heels of the “hall of faith” in Hebrews 11. That’s important because heeding that context (and that of the rest of the book of Hebrews) will prevent us from taking certain things in Hebrews 12 out of context. The writer doesn’t

How Estee Got Her Zumba Back

2018-01-13 Snap Judgment 0

What if you were born to twerk it, but you didn’t know how to work it? Estee Rose grew up in a tight-knit Ultra-Orthodox neighborhood in Brooklyn. Find out how she reclaims her faith after she loses it in a tumultuous series of events. To channel Estee’s

Tonya For Hire – Snap Classic

2018-01-10 Snap Judgment 0

What if one day you found out you look like one of the most famous people in the country — who everybody hates? Lynn Harris is an author, commentator, award-winning journalist and mostly-retired comedian. She has a new business, teaching comedy to teena