(The Naked Bible Podcast) Naked Bible 203: Q&A 24
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
Dr. Heiser answers your questions.
In 1989, an enormous earthquake struck the Bay Area. One of Oakland’s major arteries, the Cypress Freeway, collapsed. And one man named Raven, a local Oaklander, left his home, and dove into the wreckage to save lives. This story is produced by Liam O’Do
Put God First In Your Life
Come with an open mind and an open Bible. We will try to really understand what’s going on with this movement, what’s up with their theology, and how we ought to respond to it.
When Snap Judgment producer Davey Kim was in eighth grade, he went to the regional level spelling bee with his best friend…and took R-E-V-E-N-G-E. Producer: Davey Kim
Is alcohol sinful? How about tattoos, movies, music, the Sabbath, or food? We have got to get biblical when it comes to our convictions. Biblical in our understanding of whether or not these things are sinful and biblical in how we treat those who disagree with us. This verse by verse teaching through Romans 14 will give real clarity to the issue of your convictions and how to treat others who differ. You’ll also find out what is meant by “the one who is weak in faith” and what is meant by “whatsoever is not of faith is sin”.
Teacher: Mike Winger
Check out the whole Romans playlist here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRwWLeKhViQ&list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvQ9G4NCvuiN4Evbp13uQa1
The God Who Crosses His Arms
Dr. Heiser answers your questions about the book of Hebrews.
The story of how Mokhtar Akhanshali braved a civil war to bring Yemeni coffee to the world. Dave Egger’s biography of Mokhtar, The Monk of Mokha, is available wherever books are sold. And be sure to check out the book’s Instagram at @themonkofmokha. Pr
Christians need a wake up call! To cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light! Thank God for this wonderful passage of scripture in Romans 13:11-14 that we are studying verse by verse. Learn about the armor of light. Learn about eschatology and how it changes the way we live today.
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