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Skeptics Respond To The Evidence For The Resurrection of Jesus

2018-03-27 BibleThinker 0

Here’s some links you may want…

My full presentation on the resurrection of Jesus – CLICK HERE
A lot of good stuff on the evidence for the resurrection – CLICK HERE

 Some of the debates or other vids that I watched where you can hear the skeptics react to the evidence…

Dan Barker
Matt Dillahunty
Sam Harris
Bart Ehrman

How do skeptics respond to the evidential case for the resurrection of Jesus? We will look at Bart Ehrman, Dan Barker, Richard Carrier, Sam Harris, Dan Barker, and Matt Dillahunty. If you pay attention to what these guys say then you can see that they don’t actually try to come up with reasonable explanations of the evidence. Instead, they tend to attack the idea of miracles or say that belief in the resurrection is the same as belief in some other miracle claims which don’t have evidence like the resurrection does. I find these tactics very revealing.

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The Most Untapped Resource in Christianity: Romans 15:14-21

2018-03-26 BibleThinker 0

So important. So simple. The thing that the church needs is for the member of the body of Christ to step out into serving one another with boldness. God gives us the Holy Spirit and uses us to be a blessing to one another in countless ways and the Bible is telling us to step out into those giftings. Pastors aren’t the only ones with a ministry! I hope and pray this Bible study encourages, and admonishes you to step out.

Breakfast Of Champions

2018-03-22 Snap Judgment 0

Stories of young people using every trick in their little arsenal to win praise and love, only to find themselves alone in the end.   The Best Little Swimmer Terry Galloway is ten years old and absolutely in love with the idea of summer camp. The only pr

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Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory

2018-03-20 BibleThinker 0

Examining the passage most often quoted by Catholic apologists to defend the doctrine of purgatory. 1 Corinthians 3 is quoted by Tim Staples and Jimmy Akin of Catholic Answers. It’s even quote by pope Benedict in his 2007 encyclical “Spe Salvi.” We are going to examine the passage thoughtfully to see what it really says.