Secrets In The Stacks – Snap Classic

2018-05-17 Snap Judgment 0

When Avi Steinberg became a prison librarian, he thought his job would be to keep track of the books.  Then he started reading between the lines. To learn more about Avi’s time behind bars — and between the stacks — be sure to check out his memoir, Run

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What the Bible REALLY says about God the Mother! WMSCOG refuted

2018-05-16 BibleThinker 0

They banned my first video, but this one is even better! Examining the theology of the WMSCOG. I really hope this helps a lot of people to come out of this group and come to simple trust in the truth of Christ. God the Mother is unbiblical and irrational and this video will explain what the Bible teaches about God the Mother as well as respond to the teachings and theology of the World Mission Society Church of God and their worship of Zhang Gil-ja.
Links I mentioned:The WMSCOG propaganda video: The WMSCOG website:
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2018-05-11 Snap Judgment 0

Hear how one of Yugoslavia’s top basketball players attempts to escape the Siege of Sarajevo and don’t miss The Nocturnists late night meltdown at the morgue. “The Choice” from the Lucky Podcast Nada Rothbart thought she’d have plenty of time to get her