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Jesus as a Serpent? How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament part 3

2018-06-10 BibleThinker 0

How is the bronze serpent a type of Christ? Jesus said, “as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so the Son of Man must be lifted up”. We can learn how to see types of Christ when we see that Jesus is not only giving us an analogy but wonderful insights into how we can discover types of Christ in the Old Testament. This is part 3 in the long series on Jesus in the OT, watch the whole series to learn all the principles of how to find Jesus in the OT.

Link to this series playlist:

Beyond Belief

2018-06-07 Snap Judgment 0

What do you do when someone tells you something you know to be false, and yet…you can just tell they’re telling the truth?  Chaotic Good Malaclypse was part of a dangerous anarchist group. They stole, they killed, they escaped, until one day when Malac

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Adam and Christ: How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament part 2

2018-06-03 BibleThinker 0

In what specific ways is Adam a type of Christ? In this series we discuss typology of Christ in the Old Testament and focus on learning principles that will give us the ability to better find Jesus in the Old Testament. We also handle a couple objections to finding Jesus in the Old Testament.

Here is the whole playlist for Jesus in the OT –