Evolution of Sex 04 Sexual Revolution AUDIO

Since the arrival of the age of Aquarius in the 1960’s, society has been changing dramatically, especially in regard to consciousness and sexuality. Yet, the hippies utopian dreams and ideals about free love and the rise of a just society never came to be. With the teachings studied in this lecture, you will understand the recent decades more clearly, you will see current events in a new light, and easily see for yourself what will happen next to our civilization. Are you prepared for the changes that are coming? 

“All of us need and feel the necessity to change, of becoming something different… Nonetheless, when one is truly revolutionary, one wants to be different, one wants to change fundamentally and to be transformed into something distinct, to be transformed into a superhuman, to make Nietzsche’s doctrine a reality. This radical change is possible by means of sexual transmutation.

“The sexual force placed us into the field of life, and you cannot deny it. We exist, live, because of the sexual energy of our father and mother. In the last synthesis, the root of our life is found in the copulation of a man and a woman. If the sexual force, the energy of sex, had the power to place us into the field of existence, obviously it is the only energy that has the power to transform us radically.

“There are many ideologies and beliefs in the world, and everybody is free to believe whatever they wish to believe, but the only force that has the power to transform us is the energy that created us, the energy that placed us in the field of life. I am emphatically addressing the sexual force. So, to learn how to handle the marvelous energy of sex signifies to transform ourselves into lords of creation.” —Samael Aun Weor, Sexology


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