Death 05 How We Die

Since life and death are two sides of the same coin, how we live determines how we will die. Our use of mind, heart, and body sets energy in motion, and when death arrives, a great transformation occurs whose outcome is determined not only by the sum total of all of our previous acts, but by our final state of mind. Learn how to be prepared for death, and what specifically you will need to do when your death is imminent.

This is a lecture from the free online course Death: Preparation for Transformation

Course Description:

Everyone will experience death, thus it is intelligent to prepare oneself for the experience. This course examines the truth of what happens when we die, and what happens in the afterlife or “between” (bardo). Most importantly, you will learn how to use today as preparation for death, and thereby transform life into a source of happiness for yourself and others.

“We can learn very little from the phenomenon of birth, but from death we can learn everything.” – Samael Aun Weor, The Great Rebellion

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