Christ 04 Epiphany

In early January, all Christians celebrate Epiphany (ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, “manifestation, striking appearance”), also called Theophany, Little Christmas, or Three Kings’ Day. Yet, they do not know the real meaning of the event, which relates to how the solar force (Christ) emerges in the initiate or true Jew.

“Wisdom (Chokmah) is found on (Daath) the lips of the one who has (Binah) understanding, and (Vav) a rod is for the (גו) back of the heartless one.” – Proverb 10: 13

“When we have formed our inner Christ, He then enters into all of our vehicles through the pineal gland. The inner Christ has the shape of a small child. He comes out from within (Daath) his Ethereal womb to enter into (Malkuth) our physical body through the pineal gland. This is the descent of Christ into the atomic infernos of the human being. This is the Nativity of the heart. It is how we transform ourselves into Christs. Nature does not leap; this is why our inner Christ is born within us as a small child.” – Kundalini Yoga by Samael Aun Weor

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