Catholicism Isn’t a Cult… But I Have Serious Concerns

The podcast you’re listening to was offered a refutation by Roman Catholic apologist Trent Horn. I’m going to be giving a response to that refutation on this coming Monday, November 22 at 1 p.m. Pacific time. Here’s the link to that response:

This is one of several clips I will be uploading from a big video I did with Allen Parr evaluating a few different religious groups in light of biblical Christianity. Subscribe to my channel to get notified when the other videos in this series go up.

Here is Allen Parr’s channel. I recommend you check it out:

More videos of mine related to Catholicism below…

Why I can’t be a Roman Catholic (2 hour, detailed video):

The “justified by works” passage in James 2 explained from a Protestant perspective:

In this video, I deal with Roman Catholic apologists and Scripture they use to try to say that purgatory is in the Bible:

Explaining and defending Sola Scriptura:

My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:

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