Call Record Released, “Apply Thru” & Gender-Neutral Dolls (+ Impeachment Process Breakdown) – Thursday, September 26th, 2019

The news to know for Thursday, September 26th, 2019!

Today, we’re breaking down what was released in a call record (rough transcript) from that controversial call between President Trump and Ukraine’s leader, and we’ll tell you what’s happening today in this impeachment process.

Plus, we’ll talk about other news, like why the federal government is suing, gender-neutral dolls, and a first-of-its-kind tech for job applications.

Those stories and many more in less than 10 minutes!

Then, hang out after the news for Thing to Know Thursday’s bonus interview. Expert Laurie Levenson joins the show to help explain the basics of impeachment — from the process to the history.

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Call Record Released: AP, NPR, ABC News, NYT WSJ, Fox News, Washington Post

Netanyahu’s Second Chance: NBC News, BBC, Jerusalem Post

UN Climate Change Report: CBS News, CNN, USA Today, AP


FTC Sues Match: WSJ, The Verge, USA Today

Gender-Neutral Dolls: NPR, Time, CBS News

Facebook VR Tech: Cnet, TechCrunch, CNBC

Amazon Hardware Event: The Verge, CNBC, TechCrunch

High-Tech Job Application: Axios, Engadget

Impossible Burger Expands: Engadget, Cnet

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