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What We Gain From Our Pain: 1 Peter 4:12-16

2016-02-09 BibleThinker 0

Why believers should be bold even if it means we will suffer for it! The plain teaching of God’s word and the example of Jesus, the apostles and the prophets make it clear that we need to be unafraid and unashamed when stepping into potential persecution. May God give us courage.

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Homosexuality: “Two CONSENTING adults” slogan refuted

2016-02-03 BibleThinker 0

Another short refutation of a commonly used pro-gay slogan. At the heart of the pro-gay lifestyle movement is a group of irrational and unhealthy ideas. This is one of them, and here I mean to give a refutation of it. I hope that this helps bring clarity to the issue. This video isn’t inspired by hatred or malice, and it isn’t designed to cause those things either. Rational people should be able to reason through this issue without name-calling. There are more snippets like this one on my channel here:

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Refuting Cult Theology: 1 Peter 4:6-9

2016-01-26 BibleThinker 0

Several topics come up in this passage.
How long did the disciples expect to wait for Jesus’ 2nd coming? What is “serious and watchful” prayer? Was the gospel preached to the dead? Learn what “love like garlic” means.

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“Who are YOU to JUDGE?” Refuted

2016-01-20 BibleThinker 0

Answering “Who are you to judge?” and showing how the Christian worldview REQUIRES us to judge. In fact, not judging is actually an impossible standard which those who say “don’t judge” are constantly violating. This is just a snippet of the four-part series, “Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love.”The first video deals with homosexuality and the Old Testament.The second deals with homosexuality and the New Testament.The third deals with issues like being born gay, the possibility of change, and what science says.The final video deals with a bunch of pro-gay slogans and gives a secular case against homosexual behavior.
The series is not gay-bashing in any way, and is inspired by a love for those who are being hurt by how wrong society is on this issue.