The Debate Over James 2: Catholic or Protestant View
Catholics, JWs and Mormons all agree about James 2. And this is why they are wrong. Please consider these points thoughtfully as we reason through the passage that everyone is fighting over.
Catholics, JWs and Mormons all agree about James 2. And this is why they are wrong. Please consider these points thoughtfully as we reason through the passage that everyone is fighting over.
As we continue our verse by verse teaching through Romans we will look at several topics today. Learn why Jesus came. Why He was a Jew. What Jewish expectations of the Messiah. How the New Testament uses Old Testament Messianic prophecy. How hope comes from belief and is assured by fulfilled prophecy and the knowledge of the character of God. All that and more in this verse by verse teaching through Romans 15:8-13
Teacher: Mike Winger
Web site –
Podcast – BibleThinker: with Mike Winger
Leaving the Watchtower cost them everyone they knew and loved. But they say it was worth it! Listen to their story of discovery, trial, fear, frustration, and liberation! Please consider supporting Simon and Maria as they post videos on their YouTube channel trying to help others.
Pop-atheism has a fatal flaw! Let’s analyze some of the thinking and tactics that go into this very popular atheistic method of scoffing as if it were a way of discovering truth. We’ll look at some clips from Ricky Gervais and critique modern pop-atheism.
I will show why blood transfusions are biblically and medically good! We will look at specific watchtower teachings on this issue as well as examining what the Bible and medicine say about blood transfusions.This link is about medical statistics of how many JWs die each year from the Watchtower blood policy:
More links for additional research:
Christian unity is massively important. This passage teaches us how to have Christian unity when we don’t agree about everything. One of the most amazing truths we will see in this verse by verse teaching through Romans 15 is that unity isn’t just about you getting along with other Christians. It’s about the glory of God!
Last week’s message in Romans 14 can be found here (this gives the context for Romans 15)
Check out the whole Romans playlist here.
Come with an open mind and an open Bible. We will try to really understand what’s going on with this movement, what’s up with their theology, and how we ought to respond to it.
Is alcohol sinful? How about tattoos, movies, music, the Sabbath, or food? We have got to get biblical when it comes to our convictions. Biblical in our understanding of whether or not these things are sinful and biblical in how we treat those who disagree with us. This verse by verse teaching through Romans 14 will give real clarity to the issue of your convictions and how to treat others who differ. You’ll also find out what is meant by “the one who is weak in faith” and what is meant by “whatsoever is not of faith is sin”.
Teacher: Mike Winger
Check out the whole Romans playlist here.
Christians need a wake up call! To cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light! Thank God for this wonderful passage of scripture in Romans 13:11-14 that we are studying verse by verse. Learn about the armor of light. Learn about eschatology and how it changes the way we live today.
This is not just conjecture. We have actual evidence that Joseph Smith was lying to Mormons when he invented his new “scripture,” the Book of Abraham. This is proof that Mormonism is not true. The book of Abraham was not translated, it was fabricated. Here is the evidence. Share this video so that more people can be set free from the tangled lies of Joseph Smith. Mormons are the victims of Mormonism and we can show them love by showing them the truth so they can put faith in Jesus for real.
LINKSGreat site with support for claims about the Book of Abraham:
Article outlining some of these facts:
This is the article I quoted from on the official LDS website:
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