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Confronting the pastor who uses The Passion Translation.

2023-07-20 BibleThinker 0

If you want to know more about The Passion Translation, you can find it in these links:
CLICK HERE for an overview of issues for those who want the “big picture.”
CLICK HERE for my full playlist of interviews with top scholars that I hired to do reviews of The Passion Translation. These guys are all experienced in working on major Bible translations. They reviewed TPT and helped us take a look “under the hood.”
I’m Mike Winger and it’s my goal to help people learn to think biblically about everything. My website:

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 103)

2023-07-08 BibleThinker 0

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:53 {The Sin of Sodom} What Was the Sin of Sodom & Gomorrah?
30:37 {Proper Posture for Prayer} Does God really care about our physical position while we pray or praise and worship? Does He care whether we are standing, sitting, bowing, etc.?
33:31 {Why isn’t Dan Listed?} In Revelation 7, 12 x 1200 are listed from 11 of the 12 tribes. Dan isn’t listed. What’s up with that?
39:11 {How to View Mythical “gods”} How should we view mythical gods? Were they real? They had to come from somewhere to get the idea, right?
41:44 {Casting Out = Abolishing?} How do you reconcile Galatians 4:28-31 with Jesus saying He didn’t come to abolish the Law? Casting them out kind of seems like abolishing.
45:11 {How to Explain Perceived Miracles} How can I respond with Scripture to my Catholic friend who says, “I’ve seen Mary & saints do miracles when my dad was in the ICU. That’s why it’s hard to leave the catholic religion: I’ve seen It”?
47:22 {Created More Obedient?} If God knew humans would rebel in the garden, and that humanity is so prone to rebellion, why didn’t He create us more suitable to be obedient to Him? Was His plan to always to perfect us in Christ?
53:23 {Is a Lack of Structure & Liturgy Problematic?} What do you think about tradition and church liturgy? Is it not a problem that contemporary churches lack beauty and tradition in their doctrine?
58:32 {Will the Gospel Reach All Nations Soon?} It seems that Jesus, in Matthew 24:14, indicates that His return will come once the Gospel is preached to all nations. Can we assume this will happen sooner rather than much later?
1:02:29 {Jesus = Michael the Archangel?} Is Michael the Archangel Jesus? I once heard a pastor give praises and prayers to Michael on the pulpit, and when I asked him about it, he referenced a few Scriptures but I’m just not fully convinced.
1:06:41 {About Behemoth & Leviathan} Can you shed some clarity on what exactly is behemoth and leviathan in the Old Testament?
1:08:24 {Jesus Indwelt by the Spirit?} Was Jesus indwelt by the Holy Spirit, or was it His own divine nature that sustained Him while on Earth in His human form?
1:11:45 {Healing: By Faith or By God?} In Luke 8:43-48, Jesus says, “Your faith has made you well.” He didn’t say God did it, but her faith. How is this different than the Law of Attraction as told by New Agers?
1:17:25 {Hellfire & Brimstone Preaching} What are your thoughts on the “Hellfire and Brimstone” style of preaching? Is there any truth in it?
1:22:19 {Is Debt Inherently Sinful?} I have a question on debt. Do you see debt as sinful, or is it something that can become sinful if abused, like alcohol consumption? Any clear biblical lines on the issue?
1:25:39 {When Believers Disagree} Can you give me any advice on living in unity with other brothers and sisters in Christ? I always try to keep secondary issues secondary, but I’ve heard “Well, your secondary issues are someone else’s primary issues.”
1:29:53 {Using “Preferred Pronouns”?} I am a manager for a large retailer, and I have recently had two employees request that I address them by their non-binary pronouns. Do you have any thoughts on how I should proceed?
1:34:36 {The Doctrine of Inspiration} What evidence and encouragement can you offer a believer who is struggling to trust the doctrine of inspiration? I know that it’s true, but I struggle with doubt.
1:38:03 {Teaching PSA to Our Youth} My ex is Muslim. He taught our kids that God’s forgiveness is enough and there is no need for God to die for our sins. Do you have any ideas on how to discuss Penal Substitution with a 9 yr. old?
1:41:14 {A

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Do We Need to “Go to Synagogue”?

2023-06-27 BibleThinker 0

As I am uploading this video, I realize there’s a confusion that could easily arise. I’ll try to clear it up here:
The NT does not teach all believers to actually attend literal synagogues. Nor do we have any examples I know of where Gentile converts to Christianity ever attended, or were told to attend synagogues literally. I am speaking here of the common practice of evangelism where we seek out public opportunities and locations to tell people about Jesus and the Gospel. This is an area where Christians in general could use a lot more boldness and intentionality. Go for it!
My website:

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 102)

2023-06-24 BibleThinker 0

Today’s first question is about 4 passages in the Bible that supposedly show God lying.

Time Stamps:

0:01 {God Lied 4 Times??} I’ve recently had someone use Jeremiah 20:7, Matthew 16:28, the lack of immediate death in Genesis 3, and Cain’s exile in Genesis 4 as “evidence” that God is a liar. How would you respond?
38:46 {Animal Death Before the Fall?} If animal death occurred prior to the fall, wouldn’t that mean God called animal death/suffering “very good?” If we later see a wolf dwelling with a lamb, wouldn’t that indicate that prior to the fall, that was what we had enjoyed?
45:12 {Avoid the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, “Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil.” I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5:22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn’t that verse referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you’re partaking in evil to others?
48:19 {Human Souls vs. Animal Souls} Does Ecclesiastes 3:18-21 teach that there is no difference between the spirits of humans and those of animals? I’ve heard this claim from those who reject an immortal soul.
55:07 {Has Jesus Always Had a Physical Body?} What form did Jesus exist in before He was conceived in Mary’s womb? Did He have a physical body before that?
57:27 {Evangelism Required for Salvation?} Is our salvation based not only on being saved and accepting Jesus into our life and believing in Him, but also on a need to be spreading the Word of God (the Bible)?
1:01:37 {Is Repentance a Change of Mind?} If repentance (metanoia) literally means “change of mind,” then why do we say repentance means changing our mind/attitude about sin? Why isn’t it changing our minds from unbelief to belief?
1:04:16 {Theocracy & Theonomy} Could Christ’s commission to disciple the nations in Matthew 28:19 mean the Christianization of countries and nation-states, or does it apply only to individual people?
1:11:18 {Will We Judge Angels?} 1 Corinthians 6:3 states that we will judge angels. What do you think Paul means by this, and is there any other reference about us judging angels?
1:14:18 {Cursing & Blessing in the OT} When prophets such as Elisha cursed or blessed people, was it God who put it in their minds to do that, or did they have a Spirit-given ability to do such things without having to consult Him?
1:18:00 {Does the HS Help Us or Take Over?} Does the Holy Spirit enhance who we are, as in assisting us in Godly behavior? Or does He, at times, take over completely so that we behave, see, and feel things opposite of our ungodly flesh?
1:24:20 {The Purpose of Scripture in Eternity} Matthew 5:18 seems to say some Scripture will pass away at the end times, but Matthew 24:35 appears to contradict this. What use might we have for Scripture in the next life where there is no temptation to sin?
1:27:55 {Are We to Administer Revenge Ourselves?} Someone said it was okay to exact revenge on pedophiles, and they used Matthew 18:6 to justify it. Is that what this Scripture really means or allows for?
1:32:14 {Death on the New Earth?} Why is there a reference to death and a lifespan (albeit a long one) in Isaiah 65:20 when speaking of the New Earth?
1:34:37 {Will We Remember our Lives in Heaven?} Do you think we will remember our earthly lives in Heaven, given that there is nothing negative in Heaven and this world is so full of negative things and memories?
1:40:24 {The Serious Sin of Blasphemy} Why do so many Christians take the Lord’s name in vain? I know several Christians (even two pastors) who do this often. Should we tell them they’re in sin?
1:43:25 {What did Jesus Mean?} What do you think Jesus meant when He said “The first shall be last and the last shall be f

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Stealing Jesus for LGBT ideology.

2023-06-22 BibleThinker 0

This is not a video primarily about LGBT stuff. It’s about Jesus. It’s about not letting interest groups tell a fake story about a fake Jesus and thereby highjack the Lord of all creation to teach some ideology that He would never have supported. Historically, theologically, and logically, it’s just not right to say such things.
My website:

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Just winging it (8-year anniversary stream)

2023-06-17 BibleThinker 0

I don’t imagine this video will be of wide interest, but for those who want to watch, this is in celebration of the 8 year anniversary of when I started making regular content online.
I have a number of random issues I’ll be discussing, and I’ll also be interacting with the chat. Again, this is not a Q&A. Even though I may glance at the chat here and there and interact in real time (which I don’t do during teaching videos), I won’t be gathering 20 questions and answering them like I do in the Q&A videos. The next Q&A is Friday, June 23 at 1 p.m. PT.

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Surprising things I learned reading the Quran.

2023-06-11 BibleThinker 0

I’ve shared specific verses from the Quran so that people can double check for themselves. For more on this topic, I recommend you check out the book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by former Muslim, Nabeel Qureshi.CLICK HERE for some of his content in video form. It’s very powerful.

My website:

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 101)

2023-06-09 BibleThinker 0

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 – Intro

0:08 {Is the Canon Closed?} Why can no new books of the Bible be written? Why is the canon closed?
26:49 {Must we Share our Faith in Every Circumstance?} Looking at 1 Peter 3:15-17, what would you say to anyone who would ask you about “the hope you have in you”? And are there times or certain people who you wouldn’t bother providing that answer to (e.g., someone you know isn’t really interested in the answer and just seeks to make fun of you)?
33:27 {How did the Thief on the Cross Know?} The thief on the cross believed Jesus would come into His kingdom, despite knowing that Jesus was going to die. How might that be, since even the disciples didn’t grasp this until the resurrection?
36:58 {How to Reach a Wiccan} What can or should I say to a Wiccan relative who wants to have seances to reach her dead son? She’s not a believer, so should I just hold my tongue?
39:53 {The Man in Mark 14} Who was the man in Mark 14:51-52? Could it be that this was somehow Jesus Himself escaping? As an unbeliever, how should I approach my readings? Any questions I should keep in mind?
45:42 {Understanding Parallel Prophecies} Is there a process you go through to understand parallel prophecies? For example, 2 Samuel 7:14 seems to be about Jesus, but clearly not completely because he doesn’t commit iniquity.
53:11 {Different Personalities in the Trinity?} Do the different Persons of the Trinity have different personalities? Would God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit act in a different way than the others in a given situation?
55:54 {Do Heavenly Rewards Support LDS Doctrine?} Every time you answer a question about rewards in Heaven, I can’t help but think of the LDS levels of Heaven. How do I debate with them when they use rewards as the basis for their belief about there being different levels of Heaven?
1:03:13 {Can a Christian Struggle to Obey God?} Can a Christian still struggle with submitting completely to God? Or is that a symptom that you’re not truly saved?
1:05:20 {About the “Two Witnesses” in Rev.} Who are the two witnesses in the book of Revelation, and is it possible for them to be people that are walking the Earth today that are not in the Bible?
1:11:01 {Are Casual Conversations Sinful?} Someone argued with me that because of Matthew 12:36 (every idle word…), all jokes and fun conversations are sinful, and that Jesus never spoke in a casual, non-serious way. Is this true?
1:16:54 {Should We Still Forgive when Not Asked?} Do we still need to forgive others if they don’t ask for forgiveness? My grandma believes that as Christians, we don’t forgive unless the other person repents and asks for forgiveness.
1:20:17 {Christian Creators: Make This Content!} As a YouTube pastor, do you have any suggestions for content you would like to see Christians make? I’m in seminary and I’m thinking about making videos, but I wonder what I should create (if I did).
1:22:56 {Being Open about Sexual Sin} Do you have any advice on how to come out (for lack of a better word) to my Christian parents about being same-sex attracted and addicted to pornography? I know Christianity is true.
1:27:23 {Does Titus 3:5 Teach Calvinism?} What is a non-Calvinist way of understanding regeneration in Titus 3:5?
1:31:34 {Is God’s Love Actually Conditional?} If the Bible says God loves those who love Him, thereby making a condition we have to fulfill for His love (Proverbs 8:17, John 14:21, 23), can we still say that God’s love is unconditional (John 3:16, etc.)?
1:35:43 {Lessons from a Peculiar Bible Story} What is the lesson for us from 1 Kings 13:11-24 where the man of God is deceived by the old prophet, eats with him, and is killed by the lion?
1:46:28 {About Cath

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You probably don’t know this.

2023-06-01 BibleThinker 0

Some people think of “sinners and tax collectors” as categories of people who Jesus treats as if they are oppressed and misunderstood. The reality is that Jesus treats all people as if even the best of us are “sinners and tax collectors” when it comes to our need for repentance and God’s grace.
When you see yourself as you are, it will become so encouraging that Jesus called this lousy tax collector to follow Him. It means that Jesus calls you, as well, even though you (and me) aren’t worthy.

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 100)

2023-05-26 BibleThinker 0

0:00 – Intro

0:09 {AI – Image of the Beast?} What are your thoughts on Chat GPT (and AI in general)? As Christians, should we be concerned about this type of technology? Is it OK to experiment with, or should we “steer clear”?
27:13 {Worshiping at Work: Divided Attention?} Is it bad to listen to worship music when you’re working? I prefer it over secular music, but I also feel guilty for not giving it my full attention. Is this treating it as entertainment?
31:34 {Speaking Over Our Lives} Is “speaking something over your life” a biblical concept? A Christian said something like, “If you were going to die in one week, how would you live? I’m not speaking that over your life though!”
38:36 {God Sent an Evil Spirit?} 1 Samuel 16:14 and 1 Samuel 19:9 speak of an “evil spirit from the Lord” tormenting Saul. How could a holy/righteous and loving God give him a tormenting spirit?
46:07 {Disqualified from our Rewards?} Since sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, and we will never be fully sinless in this life, how do we not become disqualified from/lose rewards in Heaven (1 Corinthians 9:27)?
52:56 {The Biblical Way to Get Married} Why do we have to have an ordained pastor to get married? Is there Scripture to back this up? If two people make a commitment to each other and God, is that enough?
58:53 {What Does Evil Music Sound Like?} If we took away the lyrics from music, would there still be such a thing as “bad music” or “evil music”? If so, what does evil music sound like?
1:01:04 {Do We Still Have a Sin Nature?} Does flesh = sin nature? Adam & Eve sinned, even without a sin nature. After salvation, we still have the flesh (Romans 7:18), but we’re dead to sin/not slaves to sin (Rom 6:2-7). Does this mean we no longer have a sin nature?
1:06:34 {Can We Go Outside of Scripture for Context?} I’ve heard 1 Corinthians 4:6 used to say not to go “outside” of scripture (e.g., learning history to help interpret biblical context). Your thoughts?
1:14:34 {The Origin of Sunday Worship} When is the earliest, in church history, that we see Christians worshiping on Sunday instead of the Sabbath? Did it begin with the Catholic Church, or was it before?
1:19:23 {What Makes “Drag” Wrong?} Drag queen culture is championed by the LGBTQ movement, and therefore feels immoral by association, but I find it hard to put a finger on why drag by itself is biblically wrong. Any thoughts?
1:24:09 {Eating Meat After the Flood} In Genesis 9:3, why did God allow us to start eating meat after the flood?
1:27:28 {Using Cannabis Before Quiet Time?} I take mild cannabis edibles for my ADHD. On them I have wonderful quiet times in prayer and Bible study. Would it be rightly dividing Scripture to say this is how I personally am being “sober-minded”?
1:32:42 {John 15 – Will I be “Taken Away”?} What are your thoughts on John 15:2 and the Greek word for “takes away”? I’ve heard that it would be more accurately translated as “raise up.” This word seems to change the meaning of the verse.
1:39:07 {Do God & Satan Talk?} Is the devil talking to God in today’s generation like in the book of Job? If angels are warring with demons, can we assume there is communication?
1:43:20 {Which Faith is True?} How can I know I have the right faith? I’ve been watching many apologetics videos since I first found your videos over four years ago, and many Catholics, reformed believers, and evangelicals all have convincing arguments.
1:49:02 {About the Shroud of Turin} What are your thoughts on the Shroud of Turin?
1:52:13 {Leading Others to Biblical Teachings} My family member LOVES Joel Osteen. What are some thoughtful questions I could ask that would naturally lead them to a m