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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 109)

2023-10-17 BibleThinker 0

A rare Tuesday stream!
I’m Mike Winger and I think we’ve underestimated how amazing the Bible is.
Every other Friday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time we do these live Q&As.
To ask a question during a future stream, just wait until after the stream has actually begun, type your question into the chat (on YouTube), and start it with a “Q” to help us identify it as a question.
I may have already answered your question. You can check the “Clip Search” feature HERE on my website to see if I have. 
Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 1:12 {Different Wills among the Godhead?} In the Trinity, do the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all have three separate wills?2. 22:15 {Conflict in Israel – Eschatological Significance?} Is the war going on in Israel right now part of a biblical prophecy? 3. 30:28 {One Governor or 12?} In 1 Kings 4:7-19, there are twelve governors for Israel listed. I’m confused by verse 19b: “There was one governor…” What’s your take on this? 12 or 1?4. 36:22 {Do Some Sins Indicate a Lack of Salvation?} Verses like Matthew 6:14 make me feel like there are sins so bad that if you commit them (like unforgiveness), you’re 100% not a Christian. I feel like I have to maintain my own salvation.5. 41:04 {Would the Spirit Ever Leave Us?} Can you please explain what it meant in 1 Samuel when the Spirit left Saul?6. 44:16 {The Vatican & Revelation} Does Revelation 7:9 apply to Vatican City despite its size and hosting unbiblical stuff?7. 48:42 {Is Marital Intimacy Only for Procreation?} Can a biblical case be made for the purpose of sex within marriage being for procreation AND intimacy/pleasure and not just for procreation? Is sex without the possibility of procreation evil?8. 55:11 {Christians Made Whole “Again”?} How do you feel about songs that state, “You make me whole again”? It’s my understating that before faith in Christ we aren’t whole, saved, or forgiven. Thoughts?9. 58:38 {Teaching Convictions as Truth} How should we deal with a pastor who is unwilling to receive correction on anything against his own convictions? It wouldn’t be as big of an issue, but he preaches his ideas as truth (i.e., no alcohol).10. 1:03:57 {Counting our Trials as Joy} How are we to “count it all joy” when we face trials and temptations, as James chapter 1 says?11. 1:09:58 {Wisdom = “She”?} Can you help me understand why in Proverbs 2 the Bible refers to wisdom as “she”? How do we argue this with those who try to speak about multiple gods, or LGBTQ+ people saying He is neither gender?12. 1:13:45 {Refuting Modalism} What is the best way to dismantle Modalism in a loving way to someone?13. 1:17:05 {The Commander of the Lord’s Army} In Joshua 5:13, who is the commander of the Lord’s army? Is this another Christophany? And why do we read so little about him if he helped Joshua in his ventures?14. 1:20:53 {Are the Mentally Disabled Saved?} What happens to autistic people or mentally disabled people? Do they go to Heaven?15. 1:22:54 {Am I Saved if I Have An Addiction?} How do I know If I actually have a saving faith, especially considering that I’m addicted to pornography, and am having a hard time asking for someone to help me stop. Thanks.16. 1:29:46 {Congregational Votes – Sometimes Sinful?} Is it against the Bible to have your congregation vote on whether or not to have women as elders?17. 1:31:48 {Indwelling, Infilling & Assurance} Do you have the Holy Spirit if you haven’t been baptized with Him? I don’t feel/believe like I do. I can’t hear His voice. 18. 1:34:51 {The Day of The Lord & His Second Coming} How do the ideas of “The Day of The Lord” in the Old Testament

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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 108)

2023-09-29 BibleThinker 0

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:15 {When Should I NOT Take Communion?} When should a believer NOT take communion? Is finding myself repenting of the same sin over and over and having an ongoing struggle with the same sin a reason not to?

18:56 {Can A False Prophet Glorify God?} My parents sit under a pastor who claims to have a prophecy from God almost weekly. He preaches in Jesus’ name and glorifies God, but his prophecies are always totally wrong or incredibly vague. Can a man who glorifies God also prophesy falsely?

24:09 {Christ & H.S. In Us = Modalism?} At the end of Colossians, it talks about Christ in us, and in Galatians, it talks about the Spirit of His son in our hearts crying out “Abba, Father.” That sounds like the Holy Spirit, but is it Modalism to call Christ in you the Holy Spirit?

27:57 {Animal Sacrifices in Millen. Kingdom?} Why will there be animal sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom?

35:25 {Should Slaves have Run Away from Masters?} In light of Ephesians 6:5-8 and Colossians 3:22-23, was it wrong for African slaves to run away from their masters?

42:48 {Do Our Prayers Need to be Specific?} People have been saying with increasing frequency, “Make your prayers specific.” I’m wondering why I keep hearing this lately. Is this biblical?

46:40 {Did Jesus Have a Sin Nature?} Was Jesus the biological son of Mary? If so, how did He not inherit a sin nature?

50:49 {Does Heaven Last for Eternity?} Do we live in Heaven for eternity, or will it be a finite time period (Isaiah 65:20)?

54:50 {Share Our Burdens?} Galatians 6:2 says to carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ, but verse 5 says that each person should carry their own load. Should we share our burdens or carry our own?

59:13 {Reject the Church = Reject Christianity?} If I reject the Church as an institution, do I automatically reject the Christian faith?

1:02:00 {Committed Relationships as Good as Marriage?} How would you answer claims that “committed sexual relationships” have everything good that a marriage has? What’s the essence of marriage that withstands infertility/impotence/distance, etc.?

1:06:09 {Recovering from Works Based Thinking} I left the Hebrew Israelite movement 3 years ago, and since then, I’ve been struggling with my walk. I know we have God’s grace, but I was so used to doing works that I feel lost now. Any suggestions?

1:11:05 {Laws, Islam & Executing Apostates} Looking at Deuteronomy 13:6-10, is the apostasy law similar to Muslims? And is it inherently immoral for an apostate to be put to death because of their beliefs, according to the Old Testament?

1:16:48 {Was Jesus’ Body Broken For Us?} What are your thoughts on when people say “This is the body of Christ, broken for you.” To me, this is not accurate, as Jesus was not “broken” for us (no bones broken like the Passover lamb).

1:18:54 {Are Non-Believers Always Wrong? { Some Christians act like non-believers are inherently untrustworthy or dishonest, like they shouldn’t be taken seriously. This feels really wrong. Can you please help me find biblical teaching on this?

1:23:01 {Our Bodies during the Millennial Reign} What kind of body will each “group” of people have during the Millennial Reign? I know the previously dead will receive knew bodies, and those that die in God during the Tribulation will get new bodies.

1:24:17 {The “Prize” in Philippians} What is the prize of the upward call” in Philippians 3:14?

1:27:56 {Raising Children w/Unbelieving Family} Is it wrong that I don’t want to raise my son around my unbelieving family members? They can even be hostile to the faith. I even have a transgender niece

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 107)

2023-09-15 BibleThinker 0

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:55 {Greater Works than Jesus?} In John 14:12, Jesus said we would do even greater things than Him. That’s a tough pill to swallow since He died for our sins and created everything. How do I process Jesus’ statement?2. 23:42 {Did God Endorse Polygamy in the OT?} In 2 Samuel 12:8, God says that He gave David his wives (multiple), and if he had asked for more, God would’ve given him more. This sounds to be directly saying that God would be endorsing polygamy. How should we as Christians feel about one man having multiple wives according to the Bible, specifically this passage?3. 30:21 {Is Only OT Scripture “God-Breathed?”} In 2 Timothy 3:16, was Paul speaking of ONLY OT Scriptures, since that’s all they had at the time? What about the inspiration of the NT?4. 37:13 {Relearning Proper Theology} One of your videos gave my fiancé a change of heart. He is a former Jehovah’s Witness and feels like he has to start over and unlearn then relearn everything. Where do you suggest we start studying?5. 43:57 {Is the Hypostatic Union Illogical?} How can Christ truly be God and man at the same time, infringing upon the laws of logic? If it’s true, I know I can’t understand it fully, but I do expect to be able to demonstrate how it isn’t illogical.6. 48:54 {Is it Wrong to Teach Kids About Santa?} What do you tell your kids about Santa? Is there a chance that kids who find out Santa isn’t real might think the same about Jesus? Would you spoil Santa for children that aren’t yours?7. 57:18 {Should We Avoid Semi-Pelagianism?} I’m a Calvinist, and recently I have been noticing Semi-Pelagian theology in Arminian churches. Can you distinguish between the two and explain why we should avoid Semi-Pelagianism?8. 1:06:19 {Can We Give God Too Much Credit?} Is it OK to give credit to God for something He might not have done (like a salary raise, new job, or other material or worldly things)?9. 1:09:52 {New Command or Old Command?} Why does 1 John 2:7 say that he is not writing a new command, but in the next verse (1 John 2:8) he says that he is writing a new command? What’s going on here?10. 1:14:10 {Hasn’t Jesus Always Been Lord?} Peter said in Acts 2:36 that God has “made Jesus both Lord and Christ.” He was already Lord and Christ, so what does this mean? Same with Jesus being “given all authority” in Matthew 28:18.11. 1:24:33 {Were Christ’s Sufferings Lacking Something?} In Colossians 1:24, what is lacking in Christ’s sufferings, and how is Paul contributing to them?12. 1:30:12 {Is God Constantly Speaking to Us?} My friend doesn’t want to have too small of a view of God, so he sees every small event in his life as God speaking to him, even trivial things. Am I being too stingy, or is he “over-spiritualizing”?13. 1:36:08 {Examples of Serving God Daily} I’m wondering what discipling others, sharing the Gospel, and service to God looks like in your life day-to-day? Anything you’ve learned over the years?14. 1:39:38 {How Do We Find Joy in Our Trials?} In James 1, how do we count our trials as joy?15. 1:45:24 {Does the Devil Persecute Believers?} Is God giving the Devil permission to persecute the lives of certain Christians today, like in the book of Job?16. 1:47:02 {Does Praising Jesus Exclude the Father & Spirit?} I’ve been struggling with phrases or lyrics such as “All glory be to Christ” and “All Heaven sings to Christ alone.” Do these incorrectly exclude the Father and Holy Spirit?17. 1:49:28 {Exploring the Different Words for God’s Law} Every verse in Psalm 119 refers to God’s Law, and ten different words are used, including: commandments, precepts, law, testimonies, ways, etc. Why? Does each word have a different meaning?18. 1:51:58 {How to Prepare Large Study Projects} How do yo

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How many wives can I have in heaven?

2023-09-05 BibleThinker 0

My hope for any LDS person watching this video is that you would discover the unadulterated truth of Jesus Christ without the distortions of Joseph Smith.

I do anticipate some Mormons claiming that they do not believe that people can become gods, in spite of much evidence to the contrary. Consider looking at the following scholarly paper which not only shows that they do teach such a thing but exposes some PR attempts to hide the fact: CLICK HERE

My website:

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 106)

2023-09-01 BibleThinker 0

Today’s Timestamps:

0:12 {ARRGH! The Pirate Bible!} Have you heard of The Pirate Bible? Apparently, it has been translated from the KJV into “pirate vernacular” using AI. It seems like a joke to me, but what are your thoughts?

14:28 {Does Video Auto-Play Lead to Sin?} Is it a sin to use a social media service that often displays ungodly messages and music? Short-form video services such as TikTok display videos directly on your feed rather than suggesting them to you. I will still often see ungodly videos even though I don’t want to.

19:01 {Is Jesus Presently King?} Is Jesus presently on the throne or at the right hand of the throne? Is He King today? In what sense is He King? Proof text? How does the answer impact premillennial eschatology?

23:23 {Uncontacted Tribes & Judgment} I was wondering, what will happen to the uncontacted tribes during the time of Jacob’s trouble, and without the ability to hear the Gospel, what does judgment look like for them?

29:31 {Are Violent Video Games Permissible?} What are your thoughts on Christians playing violent video games like Call of Duty or Doom? At what point does it become a question of conscience vs. it just being wrong?

38:39 {Have a Pure Mind – Battling Lust} I came to Christ around 9 months ago, but I’ve been really struggling with getting closer God. I’m 15 and I have problems with lust. How can I stop always falling back into sin through lusting?

45:19 {Does Catholicism Save?} If at the end of days, the Protestant belief is proven true, would Catholics be saved? Conversely, if Catholicism turns out to be the truth, would Protestants be saved?

53:53 {Is Long Life a Blessing?} Proverbs 16:31 says that long life is the reward of the righteous. But in Philippians 1:23, Paul says he longs to go and be with Christ, which would be far better. So how is long life a blessing?

59:00 {About the 2nd Temple’s Construction} Given that Ezekiel’s temple prophecy with its strict measurements was written before the second temple was built, why didn’t the second temple get built to those specifications?

1:01:38 {Do Christians Still Sin?} How should I understand 1 John 3 when it talks about those who abide in Christ no longer sinning, even as someone who continues to sin?

1:10:31 {Leviticus – Burnt Offerings} In Leviticus 1:9, why were only the legs and entrails washed before burning? Cultural?

1:15:24 {Are Crop-Tops Appropriate?} Most of the older girls and young women at our church are wearing crop tops to church. I find this obviously inappropriate for church and in general, but I don’t want to be legalistic. Thoughts?

1:21:10 {Are All Medications Tied to Witchcraft?} Galatians 5:20 uses “witchcraft.” The word is only used 2 times in the Bible, with the origin word being where we get pharmacy/medicine. Can you clarify? I grew up learning this was literal and still applies.

1:26:20 {Honoring God through Singleness} How can I enjoy my singleness? I’m a young adult woman and I want to be in a relationship one day, but I want to be content where I am now. How can I grow closer to God during this time?

1:30:14 {Forgiving Others} Jesus said forgive others so that God will forgive us, but Paul says we forgive BECAUSE God has forgiven us. How do you reconcile those statements?

1:34:45 {Deliverance & the “Spirit of Jezebel”} How do we lovingly correct someone who believes the deliverance ministry doctrine (people saying they have a “spirit of Jezebel” that needs to be prayed away)?

1:36:50 {About the Filioque} Can you flesh out the Filioque and its implications for the Western church?

1:38:56 {Attending Catholic Ceremonies?} Can Christians go to Catholic weddings, funerals, and baptisms?


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Why I say Mormon isn’t Christian, though I wish it was.

2023-08-23 BibleThinker 0

I wish I could say that Mormonism was a genuine branch of Christianity. Sadly, it is not. And to affirm that it is would be cruel to people and disrespectful to God.
Here’s the playlist of videos I have that go over Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) content in a lot of detail, including addressing the false claims of Joseph Smith:
• Pastor Mike Winger – Mormonism Playlist
My website:

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 105)

2023-08-18 BibleThinker 0

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 – Intro1. 0:43 {Faith = Just a Family Tradition?} My husband believes that faith comes about by family tradition, and that someone’s faith is just an expression of what their family has taught them rather than actual faith in God. What does the bible say about this?2. 20:34 {Wealth & Poverty in Heaven} If we all get different wealth in Heaven based on our deeds on Earth, won’t that create a situation where some people are poor and some are rich? And what happens once we spend it all?3. 25:28 {Was Paul Married? Widowed?} Acts 26:9-10: “…cast my vote” has implications that Paul was in the Sanhedrin (also residing over Stephen’s trial in 8:1), which would have required him to be married (even though that requirement wasn’t recorded until later; I’m guessing it was still implemented). Could Paul have been married? Perhaps widowed?4. 30:04 {Did Saul Know who David Was?} Why at the end of 1 Samuel 16 did the author emphasize David’s service to and recognition by Saul, but in 1 Samuel 17, Saul didn’t seem to even know who David was (no one seemed to know him for that matter)?5. 35:40 {Is Doubting OK?} I love Mark 9:24 – “I believe, help my unbelief.” But how do we understand that along with James 1:6-8 which says to ask in faith with no doubting, as the one who doubts will not receive anything from the Lord? 6. 41:10 {Should We Pray to Mary?} How can I respond with Scripture to a Catholic friend who says, “Mary is the mother of Jesus, so why wouldn’t you seek help from her? Jesus wouldn’t like you disrespecting His mom in any way”? 7. 48:25 {Are Our Souls Truly Immortal?} I was raised in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, and they say that the belief in an immortal/immaterial soul is Pagan in origin and has no basis in the Bible. Is this true?8. 52:30 {The Fruit of False Prophets} In Matthew 7:15-20, what are the fruits of the false prophets? The teaching? The followers? The acts? Or something else?9. 57:36 {Leading with Proper Wisdom} In light of 1 Corinthians 3:18, how can I lead others spiritually with wisdom without considering myself to be wise?10. 1:01:35 {Will God Give Up on Repetitive Sinners?} I suffer from same-sex attraction. I fight it, but sometimes I give in. Will God give up on me at some point if I give in?11. 1:07:35 {Premarital Cohabitation Without Sex?} Is it OK for me and my long-distance girlfriend to stay in an Air BnB for a couple of months if we do not fall into sexual sin, but are not married?12. 1:10:31 {Must Christians Attend Church?} Do you have to attend church to be a Christian?13. 1:14:18 {When Other Faiths Pray for Us} When people of other religions pray for us and we see these prayers answered, how do we reconcile that with Christianity? Does that mean all faiths are good?14. 1:18:32 {Why did Jesus Die if Humans Still Die?} If the payment for sin is death, and both believers and non-believers will die anyways, then why did Jesus have to die for us? Was it for a chance at us entering Heaven?15. 1:21:53 {Did Augustine Consider the Apocrypha Canon?} How would you respond to those who point out that Augustine considered the Apocrypha as canon? 16. 1:24:40 {Satan’s Fall in Luke 10} Could you shed some light on what Jesus meant in Luke 10:18? Is Jesus talking about Satan’s initial fall here, and what purpose does it serve in the passage?17. 1:28:58 {OCD-Like Prayers} Any thoughts on struggles with OCD-like prayers? Ex: feeling the need to pray for protection over family members every day in fear that something bad will happen to them if I don’t.18. 1:33:55 {God Didn’t Reveal Himself?} What do you tell an atheist who says he looked for God and God didn’t reveal Himself to him? And in general, what do you make of the argument of nonresistant non-believers?19. 1:40:16 {How to Hea

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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 104)

2023-07-22 BibleThinker 0

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:38 {Avoiding the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, “Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil.” I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5:22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn’t that Scripture referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you’re partaking in evil to others?
17:49 {About Jesus’ DNA} What was Jesus’ DNA? Was Jesus’ DNA 100% from God, or did He have Mary’s human DNA? Perhaps it’s the same DNA as Adam, since Jesus is the 2nd Adam?
23:25 {Angels Ascending & Descending?} What did Jesus mean in John 1:51? Was it a specific word for Nathanael, or does it apply to everyone? Would really love some clarity.
30:58 {Brotherly Support vs. Enabling Legalism} How do we balance being careful not to stumble a fellow believer, while also not catering to someone’s legalism?
37:24 {Polygamy in Scripture?} Polygamy? Exodus 21:10–11 says if he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights. Clearly, God is speaking of multiple wives. Your thoughts?
44:11 {Negative Words = Neg. Consequences?} In WOF (Word of Faith) circles, 2 Kings 4:8-37 is an example of why you shouldn’t speak or pray negatively about your situation. What is the actual idea of this passage?
53:41 {Envy vs. Jealousy?} Is there a difference between envy and jealousy? Can you describe what the difference is biblically?
56:09 {Did Joseph Fail to “Test the Spirits”?} 1 John 4 says to “test the spirits.” But Mary’s husband, Joseph, didn’t appear to do this when he had the dream to flee to Egypt. How should we understand or interpret this?
1:00:20 {Must we “Wait for God” before Salvation?} Can you get saved whenever? My church teaches that God must first “knock on your heart” before you can respond and accept salvation. This leads to some people wanting to be saved, but waiting.
1:05:51 {Clarifying a Difficult Passage} A local UMC pastor preached on Matthew 18:21-35. She said scholars say that Matthew added verses 34-35 and that the master does not represent God. I’ve never heard this take and it sounds concerning. Any insight?
1:09:12 {Why Didn’t Jesus Baptize?} Why didn’t Jesus water baptize anyone Himself (John 4:2)?
1:13:20 {Do Not Evangelize to Some People?} Are there situations or groups of people for whom we shouldn’t share the Gospel? Acts 16:6-7 seems to say so, but I’d love to hear your insight on the topic and your interpretation of this passage.
1:17:21 {Godly Headship Carried Out} What does a husband being the head of the wife actually mean he does? I don’t find any actionable steps or clear examples in the Bible. Does he boss her around or just be a good man?
1:22:20 {Do We Each Have a “Calling”?} How do we know how we (individually) are meant to serve the Lord?
1:25:32 {Thoughts on Genesis 1/Creation} I’ve recently seen Inspiring Philosophy’s video on Genesis 1. He says that it’s most likely mirroring the near East tradition of assigning purpose rather than actual creation. Thoughts?
1:34:09 {Song of Solomon = Christ & Church?} I am currently studying Song of Solomon, and I was wondering, do you believe that it represents Christ and the Church? I have an issue with that, as the book describes a sexual relationship.
1:37:30 {Can Same-Sex Attractions Change?} I’m a Christian, converted this year. I’ve felt the Holy Spirit inspire me to live a better life in many ways. But I still struggle with one thing. I’m gay and I struggle to see how my attraction could change.
1:40:35 {DND, Harry Potter, etc.} The Bible is clear about its stance on sorcery and witchcraft. My husband and I play DND and some people were having an issue with this a