(Android Authority Podcast) U.S. vs. Huawei: It’s getting real

Going into February, things are becoming more clear in the United States versus Huawei fight, and the tide may be turning. China is trying to help Huawei however it can. At the same time, Meizu is crowdfunding a buttonless and portless phone, and we’re not thrilled about it. And Gary Explains…explains just how much RAM your smartphone needs these days.

Recorded January 31, 2019

Time codes

1:55 – Huawei is facing a 13-count indictment including bank fraud by the U.S.

Huawei indicted, China responds. Should consumers worry?

Huawei’s problems are China’s problems, and the country is now reacting

30:00 – Want a phone with no ports or proper buttons? That’ll be $1,300, please

Portless phones: Dumb gimmick or inevitable future?

42:25 – Gary Explains: How much RAM does your phone REALLY need in 2019?

The Android Authority podcast is:

Adam Doud – @DeadTechnology

Jonathan Feist – @JFeist1 / @DroneRushcom

Joe Hindy – @ThatJoeHindy

Produced by Adam Doud


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