Andorra National Anthem (mp3 download)

Andorra National Anthem (mp3 download)

Andorra National Anthem mp3 file download.

Title:“El Gran Carlemany” (Catalan)
“The Great Charlemagne” (English translation)
Lyricist:Joan Benlloch i Vivó
Composer:Enric Marfany Bons
Adopted:September 8, 1921
 Source Info
Licensed under:CC BY 4.0 – Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Catalan lyrics

El gran Carlemany, mon Pare dels alarbs me deslliurà,
I del cel vida em donà de Meritxell, la gran Mare,
Princesa nasquí i Pubilla entre dos nacions neutral
Sols resto lúnica filla de l’imperi Carlemany.
Creient i lluire onze segles, creient i lliure vull ser.
¡Siguin els furs mos tutors i mos Prínceps defensors!
I mos Prínceps defensors!

English translation

The great Charlemagne, my Father, liberated me from the Saracens,
And from heaven he gave me life of Meritxell the great Mother.
I was born a Princess, a Maiden neutral between two nations.
I am the only remaining daughter of the Carolingian empire
Believing and free for eleven centuries, believing and free I will be.
The laws of the land be my tutors, and my defender Princes!
And Princes my defender!

Andorra National Anthem (mp3 download)

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

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