Ruth Benedict

Ruth Fulton Benedict was one of the first women to become really prominent in the field of anthropology. She had a huge impact, but she’s often overshadowed by some of her students, including Zora Neale Hurston and Margaret Mead. 


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  • Lie, John. “Ruth Benedict’s Legacy of Shame: Orientalism and Occidentalism in the Study of Japan.” Asian Journal of Social Science , 2001, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2001). Via JSTOR.
  • Mead, Margaret and Ruth Benedict. “An Anthropologist At Work Writings Of Ruth Benedict.” Secker & Warburg. 1959.
  • “Patterns of Culture.” American Decades Primary Sources, edited by Cynthia Rose, vol. 4: 1930-1939, Gale, 2004, pp. 645-647. Gale In Context: U.S. History, Accessed 17 May 2023.
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  • “Ruth Fulton Benedict.” Scientists: Their Lives and Works, UXL, 2006. Gale In Context: Science, Accessed 17 May 2023.
  • Salamone, Frank A., 2018. “Life‑affirming versus Life‑denying Cultures : Ruth Benedict and Social Synergy”, in BEROSE International Encyclopaedia of the Histories of Anthropology, Paris.
  • Schachter, Judith . “Ruth Benedict”. In obo in Anthropology. 18 May. 2023. <>.
  • Vassar Encyclopedia. “Ruth Benedict ’1909.” 2009.
  • Yong, Daniel. “Ruth Benedict: Strength in Disability.” University of Chicago. 12/13/2020.
  • Young, Virginia Heyer. “Ruth Benedict: Beyond Relativity, Beyond Pattern.” Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology. Series editors Regna Darnell and Stephen O. Murray. University of Nebraska Press. 2005.

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