RIP Windows phone, net neutrality day of action, and Next Level

Welcome back to another week of The Vergecast. Nilay, Paul, and Dieter sit down in the studio to bring you the news that hit our site this week. First off, the net neutrality day of action was on Wednesday, as was Nilay’s piece on the matter. The gang debate the issue in this net neutrality “season” of news.

Halfway through the show, senior tech editor Lauren Goode stops by to talk a little bit about her new video series Next Level, which shows the technology that’s being worked on at some of the world’s most innovative companies and research institutions. You can check out the first episode here.

Last, but not least, we have what you’ve been waiting for — phone news! We have a mini Verge mobile show to discuss the deaths and births of the mobile world recently.

There’s a whole lot in between that, so listen to it all and you’ll get it all. 

03:45 – A Microsoft font may have exposed corruption in Pakistan

07:39 – Comcast, Verizon, and AT&T want Congress to make a net neutrality law because they will write it

23:39 – The FCC says net neutrality destroys small ISPs. So has it?

35:47 – Next Level with Lauren Goode

52:13 – iFixit teardown confirms Note 7 Fan Edition is just a Note 7 with a new, smaller battery

53:30 – BlackBerry KeyOne launches on Sprint, the eternal harbor of innovation

54:25 – Death of Windows Phone

59:47 – The new Pixel XL

1:01:54 – Luxury phone maker Vertu is shutting down its UK manufacturing operation

1:03:27 – Andy Rubin’s Essential is staying quiet on the Essential Phone delay

1:06:51 – Paul’s weekly segment “Mag me later”

1:10:31 – Alexa news

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