20 Strangest Places Where People Actually Live

20 Strangest Places Where People Actually Live
20 Strangest Places Where People Actually Live

Watch video of ”20 Strangest Places Where People Actually Live” video by @TheFancyBanana1


  • Hanging Temple of Hengshan
  • Chong Khneas Floating Village
  • The Coldest City in the World
  • The Tunnels of Bucharest
  • Freedom Cove
  • Ellidaey Island
  • Cliff Village
  • Drina River House
  • Santuario Madonna Della Corona
  • The Meteora Monasteries
  • Ponte Vecchio
  • Matmata, Tunisia
  • Villa Girasole

Watch video below..,

  • 20 Strangest Places Where People Actually Live

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