20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 65)

I answer questions every Friday live on YT at 1 p.m. Pacific time. Wait till the live stream actually starts, post your question with a “Q” at the beginning, and try to check your wording for clarity. I apologize ahead of time if I don’t get to your question. I know that can be dissapointing, but we try to prioritize questions I haven’t answered before so you might check my website to see if your question has already been addressed in a previous stream. You can do so with the link below, using the “clip search” feature that takes you to specific moments in specific videos.

Here’s my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed. https://BibleThinker.org

  1. 0:00 {Only One Way to Evangelize?} Before Jesus left, He gave us the Great Commission: “Go spread the Gospel and make Disciples.” Sounds good, I can do that. But since Jesus didn’t tell us exactly how to share the Gospel (He just tells us to do it), can we share the Gospel however we want, or do we have to do it a certain way?
    2. 13:05 {Is Modalism Heresy?} Why is modalism considered such heresy? I think it’s incorrect, but many people question the very salvation of those who hold to this doctrine. How vital to salvation is the correct understanding of the Trinity?
    3. 16:58 {When You’re Far from God} My heart is hardened, I’m backslidden, a carnal Christian…whatever you want to call it. I am so far from God right now. I want to love Him, but I don’t. I’m afraid of Hell. What can I do to heal?
    4. 21:23 {Why Didn’t Jesus Inherit Adam’s Sin?} Since Jesus was fully man, as well as fully God, according to the hypostatic union, how did He not inherit Adam’s sin that all men inherit according to Psalm 51:5?
    5. 25:27 {Is the Resurrection Proof of Jesus’ Deity?} What should I say to someone who isn’t impressed with the resurrection of Jesus proving that He is God? I don’t think there is a better miracle explaining who God is and what He does.
    6. 28:17 {Advising Others on Theologically Bad Content} What do you say to Christians who say they have been blessed by the movie “The Shack” and other Progressive content, even though it is filled with New Age themes and Progressive Christianity?
    7. 31:37 {Explaining a Confusing Passage of Scripture} Is the man in Matthew 22: 11-13 thrown out for not doing good works, considering Revelation 19:8?
    8. 36:17 {Transubstantiation, Consubstantiation, & Symbolism} What are your thoughts on the Lutheran view of communion (consubstantiation in contrast to the Catholic transubstantiation)? What would be a good case for an entirely symbolic view?
    9. 44:36 {Exceptions to Marital Submission?} Your 1 Peter 3:1-6 teaching said Abigail’s story was the only valid exception for wives not submitting to husbands. Why was “life threatening situations” the lens in which you interpreted her example?
    10. 47:17 {Is a Fear of Sin Biblical?} I find myself feeling paranoid and anxious because I’m scared to fall into sin. I’m no longer in bondage to sin, but I feel like the fear of sin can hold me captive. Is the fear of sin biblical?
    11. 48:59 {Help for Overcoming Pride} I struggle with pride. I hate that. Even with a past as filthy as mine that I’ve been forgiven for, I still catch myself looking at other people sideways. How can I be more loving?
    12. 54:12 {About “Not Boasting of Tomorrow”} In James 4: 13-17, The conclusion (v. 17) seems unrelated to vv. 13-16. I don’t see how it relates specifically to not boasting of tomorrow. Is it just a general statement that could be said after any command?
    13. 57:52 {Tongues: Heavenly or Earthly Language?} When we pray in tongues in private prayer time, is this a heavenly language, or an earthly language?
    14. 1:01:21 {About the Law, Works, & Salvation} I’ve watched both of your videos on the Old Testament law. I get that we don’t need to keep the law, as we are now under grace, so how do I understand 1 Corinthians 6:9 which says adulterers won’t inherit the Kingdom?
    15. 1:06:00 {How to Stay Focused during Bible Reading} I am a fast reader & I get distracted a lot. this effects my Bible reading/study time. Any tips or advice?
    16. 1:07:28 {Overcoming a Fear of War} How do I overcome a fear of war, thinking that the Ukrainian-Russian conflict will affect my country, too (I live in Europe)? I know in theory that God is in control, but my heart is still afraid.
    17. 1:11:33 {Discerning God’s Will in our Lives} How do I learn God’s will for major life decisions like buying a pet, when and where to move, who I should marry, or if I should even get married? How do I know if it’s from God, or from my own desires?
    18. 1:16:03 {Where was Jesus After the Cross?} In a previous Mark series video, you mentioned that you don’t believe Jesus descended into Hell after dying on the cross. If He didn’t descend into hell, where did He go and what did He do?
    19. 1:18:40 {Help for a Tough Marital Situation} How does a wife whose husband hates church approach the issue when he convinces the kids (5 & 6 y.o.) that they can just stay home with him? How can I respectfully yet firmly advocate that they should come to church? Help!
    20. 1:19:48 {Having a Right Attitude about Sin} How do I have the appropriate attitude toward the seriousness of sin? I fear I lack it, which is displeasing to the Lord.

Additional links mentioned:

~ How to understand the OT Law (two video playlist)

~ The video where I talk about sin nature

~ Did Jesus Go to Hell?


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