20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 52)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 – Introduction
1. 0:48 {Does Scripture Promote Evil Things?} I’ve been challenged with the accusation that the Bible “promotes killing, rape, and slavery,” quoting Numbers 31: 15-18. I don’t want to simply prove them wrong; that doesn’t address this person’s heart. Would you please help?
2. 18:36 {About the Death Penalty} As a follow up to your teaching on the death penalty, this question is from my skeptic brother: “Isn’t it better to rehabilitate offenders in hopes that they may come to repentance and give their lives to God?”
3. 22:32 {About the Apostles & Judas’ Position} I’ve heard it taught that the Apostles were being presumptuous when filling Judas’ empty position. Why did they choose to apply Psalm 69: 25 and Psalm 109:8 to the situation?
4. 30:38 {Can we See God’s Face & Still Live?} Exodus 33: 20 says “no one can see my face and live.” How do we reconcile this with Exodus 33: 11 which says, “the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as to a friend”?
5. 36:02 {About the 70th Week & Seven Seals} Is there any biblical evidence that the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week and Jesus opening the first of the seven seals in Revelation will occur roughly at the same time?
6. 37:44 {Why Didn’t God Rewrite Difficult Passages?} Can you explain the Holy Spirit Inspiration Doctrine? I struggle with understanding why God did not rewrite controversial Bible passages. I know I am only a man, and I seek to understand.
7. 41:35 {Advice for an Unequally Yoked Marriage} My wife is an unbeliever. The more I attend church, the more strain it puts on our marriage. Is it right to continue going to church, or should I stop? (1 Corinthians 7: 14) I pray for her every day.
8. 44:40 {About the Book of Numbers} What is the best way to read the book of Numbers? What’s some really cool stuff about it and how it ties to JESUS?
9. 47:36 {Is “Deliverance” / Demon Casting Biblical?} I’m wondering about your thoughts on deliverance. Would you consider calling and identifying demons biblical, or is it not?
10. 50:43 {Reconciling 2 Important Verses/Worldly Christians?} Can you explain Matthew 7: 21 vs. Romans 10: 13? Also, how do you spot worldly Christians (1 Corinthians 3:1) from those who are unsaved but have good works (Matthew 7: 22-23)? Shouldn’t we have grace for sanctification?
11. 55:15 {Advice for Christian College Students} What advice do you have for Christians in college?
12. 59:12 {Is there Hope After Death for the Unsaved?} Can the Gospel be preached to the dead? According to 1 Peter 4:6, is there any hope for people after they die? Also, in 1 Peter 3:19-20, what does “preached unto the spirits in prison” mean?
13. 1:03:43 {About Assurance of Salvation} How can I be sure that I am going to Heaven when I die?
14. 1:06:35 {How is Satan the World’s Ruler?} Can you explain how Satan became the ruler of this world?
15. 1:09:48 {About Salvation by Grace vs. Our Efforts} If we don’t have to do works to get saved, why does Jesus tell us to “make every effort to enter through the narrow door” in Luke 13: 24?
16. 1:13:07 {Help for Anxiety over Unsaved Loved Ones} How do I combat anxiety about my newborn daughter’s salvation? It’s a difficult topic for me due to my younger brother walking away from the faith as a teenager.
17. 1:16:10 {About God’s Omnipotence & Non-Contradiction} Since God can’t contradict Himself, does that mean that His power is limited in a way? I know God is all powerful, but what is the logical reason behind Him being powerful and non-contradictory?
18. 1:20:06 {About Vaccines & Aborted Fetal Tissue} What are your thought on vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines for development? I’m about to lose my job at big MN clinic if I don’t get the vaccine and struggle with this issue.
19. 1:26:26 {About being Satisfied in God} How can you know that you are satisfied in God? How does it manifest practically? Does doing Christian things mean I’m satisfied in God? Can’t I do Christian stuff and still not be satisfied in Him?
20. 1:28:59 {Is Pledging Allegiance Idolatry?} Is pledging allegiance to a country or flag a form of idolatry?

To ask a question for the stream, just be there as soon as the stream begins, wait until after it starts, then post your question with a “Q” in front of it. You can also put “ANQ” to ask anonymously.

My video explaining in detail the topic of the Bible and slavery: https://youtu.be/l2q3fql-BlY

Here’s my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed:


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