20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 50)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 – Introduction
1. 0:28 {How the Jewish Bible is Different} Why aren’t there Bibles with the Hebrew order of the Old Testament? Some say the Hebrew order helps to show additional context and beauty of the Prophets and writings within Israel’s history. Any reason to stick to the English order? If either is fine, why aren’t there options?
2. 14:15 {Advice – Tough Marriage/Divorce Situation} Regarding divorce, you mentioned that verbal/emotional abuse is only a valid justification when it is extreme. How do we think biblically about what God would consider to be extreme? I’m finding it hard not to doubt my own perceptions, but my husband is in complete denial. Also, where the husband has essentially separated from the wife within the marriage, is it still not permissible to remarry?
3. 19:43 {About the “Faithful & Discreet Slave”} Can you explain how we should properly interpret Matthew 24: 45-47? I know Jehovah’s Witnesses think it’s referring to their governing body, but I’d like your opinion.
4. 25:46 {Can Sin be Subjective At Times?} Sin is objective, but isn’t it sometimes subjective? For example, you may be convicted of a certain activity and won’t do it, but I do, or vice versa…and how modesty is different around the world.
5. 30:21 {Are there Really “Accidents”?} Are there really accidents? For example, a freak car accident? How do we square God’s will with what might seem like a totally random event or “accident”?
6. 33:26 {How to Quickly Defend Christianity} Please teach us to talk about why Christianity is true (3-5 points in 2-3 minutes).
7. 41:44 {Can we Write Jesus into Games or Stories?} I’m a hobbyist/game developer and have started making Bible themed games. I want to include Jesus in one of my projects, but I feel uncomfortable writing words for Him. Any advice? Can I even do this?
8. 45:10 {About the Natural Condition of Man} I’ve heard you say that you don’t agree with any of the points in TULIP. What do you believe about the natural condition of man?
9. 49:18 {Can There Be Differing Interpretations of Scripture?} If the word “clear” is used to describe a teaching in the Bible by two Christians with opposing views on the same teaching, wouldn’t that void the effectiveness of using the word in that way?
10. 50:58 {Trusting God in Very Difficult Times} Do you have any advice for dealing with a miscarriage? It’s the first time in my life where I’ve been angry at God. I know He’s sovereign, but it’s difficult to accept right now.
11. 54:56 {Does James Teach Guaranteed Healing?} Does James 5: 14-15 say that a sick person should ask elders to pray for him and he will be always healed? The text seems to be quite straight forward on this.
12. 1:01:48 {Can we Give to Non-Christian Causes?} Thoughts on charitable giving to organizations that I’m passionate about but aren’t overtly Christian? Even if it’s above my normal tithe, is this “taking money away” from Kingdom advancement?
13. 1:03:37 {Is There a Contradiction?} The Synoptics seem to indicate that the Feeding of 5,000 took place on the Sea of Galilee’s West side (Mark 6:30-56), but it seems to take place on the East side in John 6. How do we resolve this?
14. 1:04:58 {Is Worrying a Sin?} Is worrying (stress/anxiety) a sin? If so, could you provide some thoughts on the reasons you think it is?
15. 1:10:51 {Is it Wrong to Visit an Unbiblical Church?} Is it wrong to attend a “prosperity gospel” church with our in-laws when we visit them?
16. 1:11:59 {Protecting Children from Bad Teaching} My Hubby was raised Mormon. He still believes it all but isn’t active. His family takes my son to church if he stays with them & they’ve started teaching him LDS doctrine. I want to not let him go anymore w/out hurting them. Advice?
17. 1:14:49 {Is “Entire Sanctification” Biblical?} What are your thoughts on Entire Sanctification? Could a Christian eventually live a life without sin through God’s power? If not, shouldn’t we shoot for it anyway?
18. 1:18:39 {Was Christ Nailed to a Tree or Cross?} I’ve heard some Christian songs say Christ was nailed to a “tree” instead of a cross. Would you happen to know why the two terms are interchanged?
19. 1:22:18 {Why Does Lot Offer His Daughters?} In Genesis 19:6-8, why does Lot offer his own daughters to the wicked people of Sodom?
20. 1:28:32 {About Forgiveness When We Sin} When Christians sin, are they condemned again until they ask for forgiveness?

My video on why prayer in faith depends on God’s will before healing will happen:

My two videos on babies and salvation with an explanation of my own understanding of sin nature (as opposed to a Calvinist view):
1. https://youtu.be/d9l0nbqjKHg
2. https://youtu.be/ezwpmY73iTA

Here’s my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed:


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