20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 40)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:

0:00 – Introduction
1. 0:36 {Should Repetitive Bible Passages Concern Us?} I’m very confused about why Psalms 14 & 53 are almost identical. Is this an error in Scripture? Are any other pairs of psalms also duplicate? This is causing me to worry about the reliability of Scripture. Please help me understand this!
2. 11:07 {How to Connect Deeply with God} I struggle deeply with feeling the presence of a relationship with God. I believe I am saved, but I had wandered far and often during my youth. To this day, I try to “imagine” my relationship with God, but I still feel estranged (mostly I think because of sinfulness). I am desperate for that deep, living connection to the Father. What can I do to get connected in relationship with Him?
3. 15:34 {More Miracles than Jesus?} Often, John 14:12-14 is used by “word of faith” preachers that I used to listen to. Their claim is that we are to do the same and more of the miracles that Jesus did. How should I see these verses?
4. 22:28 {Is Common Sense an Argument for God?} Some weeks ago you said you believed common sense is the best argument for God. Can you elaborate?
5. 26:27 {About Jupiter in the Bible} In Acts 19:35 where it says “the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter,” is this referring to the planet Jupiter, and did they know of other planets in that period of time?
6. 29:15 {Are the Son & Spirit Extensions of the Father?} What would you say to people who say that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are mere extensions of the one God, the Father?
7. 33:29 {What is a Biblical Perspective on Anointing for Today?} Can you explain “anointing” in the Bible and what the NT application is for believers? I’ve heard phrases like “That song/speaker is anointed” or “the anointing is in the room.” Is this correct?
8. 38:00 {About Elijah & Enoch} About John 3:13 KJV – Where did Elijah & Enoch go? Elijah appeared at the mountain of transfiguration…where did he come from?
9. 43:02 {Private Convos w/Pilate and the Resurrection} In John 18 from verse 33, Jesus & Pilate share private conversations inside his residence without any of Jesus’ followers being present. How would the disciples know what was said? Did He tell his disciples post resurrection, proving that the resurrection is TRUE?
10. 46:43 {Do Punishments Get Passed Down?} Does God punish children for the sins of their fathers?
11. 48:51 {About Adoption Outside of Marriage} Is it biblically wrong to adopt a child before marriage when you know you want to marry? And what about adopting a child if you don’t intend to marry?
12. 51:46 {Can Non-Believers Bear Fruit?} Can a non-believer bear the fruit of the Spirit? (Matthew 7:17) How can this be, and is it an argument in favor of secular morality?
13. 56:27 {How to be a “Peacemaker”} What is a peacemaker? How controversial can we be, and can we push back? Does it matter how loving we look when the world looks at love differently?
14. 1:01:25 {How to “Work out our Salvation”} I read a commentary on Philippians 2:12 and it was implied that salvation is not complete, what does that mean? Are we not fully saved?
15. 1:05:28 {Clinging to Hope in Tough Circumstances} My husband had a vasectomy before we got together. I used to be WOF and “claimed” a baby but now know that movement is heretical. Is it dumb to still believe in having a baby?
16. 1:07:13 {Is Covid God’s Plan, or From the Enemy?} Some pastors say the Coronavirus is God’s plan. Others say it’s a scourge of the Enemy. How do we rationalize these two views when both come from pastors you trust and admire?
17. 1:09:31 {About Holiness, Faithfulness, & Faith} Are holiness and faithfulness as important as having Faith? It’s my position that they are. I just want a fresh perspective.
18. 1:12:09 {About John the Baptizer/Baptist’s Salvation} Was John the Baptizer born saved? Luke 1: 15 says he would be filled with the Holy Spirit “even from his mother’s womb.”
19. 1:16:26 {How to Tell Which Verses Apply to Us} I’m confused about how to know whether a verse is for me or not. I see devotional books where they pluck out a verse, and I never know if it is for us now or not.
20. 1:19:06 {About the Textus Receptus} In one of your videos you said how the Textus Receptus came from the King James and not the other way around, I haven’t been able to find info on that and was hoping you could clarify.


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