20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 33)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference 0:00 – Introduction 1. 1:04 {The Gospel of Thomas} Do you have any thoughts about the “Gospel of Thomas”? 2. 9:55 {Can Denominations Substitute Baptism?} Is it within biblical “freedom” for a denomination like the Salvation Army to replace water baptisms with wearing a uniform instead, and to not practice communion regularly, as well? 3. 12:29 {Is God Truly Impartial?} How is God impartial when He makes some people with disabilities and some normal, when some people are born into abject poverty while some are born into riches, and gives some people a relatively easy life and others a miserable life? 4. 18:10 {How Should we Define “Fruit”?} How do we practically use Matthew 7: 15-20 to discern? People often define fruit as whatever they’d like. Some call being “drunk in the Spirit” good fruit, some say telling people to repent is judgey and bad fruit. 5. 25:55 {About being Born Again & Indwelling} Jesus said unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God.” Does Luke 13: 28 imply that “born again” doesn’t mean “indwelt by the Spirit” since that wasn’t possible until Jesus came? 6. 30:20 {Psalm 51 – Were Sacrifices Optional?} In Psalm 51: 16-17, it talks about God not wanting sacrifices/burnt offerings. Does this mean those were optional, or is it just talking about the person’s heart in giving? 7. 36:56 {Bible Contradiction about Demon Possession?} In Luke 9:1, Jesus gives the twelve “power and authority over all the demons.” And in Luke 9: 40, a man tells Jesus the disciples could not cast out the demon possessing his son. Is this a contradiction? 8. 40:17 {About the Book of Ezekiel} What are your thoughts and opinions on Ezekiel 38- 39, as well as what it may mean for us? 9. 44:26 {Overcoming Alcoholism Biblically} How do you help a fellow Christian (including your spouse) deal and overcome alcoholism biblically? 10. 50:48 {Why are Bystanders Sometimes Killed in Scripture?} Why were the families of people who broke the law like Achan killed with their families? Why were they not killed alone? 11. 52:45 {Why Wasn’t Daniel w/Shad./Mesh./&Abed.?} Where was Daniel when the 3 Hebrew young men were thrown into the fire? 12. 55:06 {How to Think Biblically about Exorcisms} I was wondering about how a modern Christian would deal with demonic activity. You only see in movies priests doing exorcisms, but what would a pastor do if this was happening today? 13. 57:04 AND 1:20:59 {About William Webb’s Hermeneutics} What do you think of William Webb’s “Redemptive Movement” model for hermeneutics? My pastor is embracing it, but it seems almost heretical to me. 14. 57:42 {About Intercessory Prayer} Is intercessory prayer a spiritual gift, possibly within the spiritual gift of faith that Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 12:9)? Any knowledge you have on intercessory prayer is appreciated! 15. 1:01:23 {About Church Membership Classes} What are your thoughts on churches that require classes and interviews before becoming a member? I think we should be actively involved in a church, but it seems like steps that aren’t biblical. 16. 1:04:33 {Witnessing to LDS Members} What’s the best way to respond to LDS friends who say “in the beginning” means only the beginning of “OUR world,” and say then it’s possible that Jesus was created before He created all things “here”? 17. 1:08:41 {Overcoming Pornography / Accountability} I’m getting married in 2 weeks and am hit with doubts and worries that my struggle with porn will lead into my marriage. My fiancé knows about it. Do you have any advice? 18. 1:12:10 {Would Jesus have Died of Old Age?} Since Jesus never sinned, would he NOT have died of old age eventually (if he hadn’t been crucified), or would he have? 19. 1:14:34 {About the Mosaic Law} How would you explain 1 John 3:4 (sin is transgression of the law) to someone trying to convince you to follow the Mosaic Law? I have watched your Hebrew Roots videos and didn’t see this addressed. 20. 1:19:42 {Building Spiritual Intimacy} Do you have any tips on building spiritual intimacy with your spouse? Q&A every Friday at 1pm pacific time. The NEW BibleThinker mugs can be found here. These are made by a third party and I’m not making any money off of them BUT $5 per mug will go toward to support different ministries I choose. This month we will be giving the money to a missionary couple I know who must remain anonymous due to doing missions where they aren’t allowed to. Since they are under the radar they could really use support. https://www.zockollpottery.com/product-page/new-bible-thinker-mug Wesley Huff’s article on the Gospel of Thomas https://www.wesleyhuff.com/blog/2020/9/22/why-i-date-the-gospel-of-thomas-late My Hebrew Roots series (for those who teach we are supposed to obey the law of Moses) https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuOD_BytSxbejzCnGPOcgFw Helping you learn to think biblically about everything.


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