20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 32)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 – Introduction
1. 0:56 {Sharing the Gospel/Unsaved Loved Ones} How do you share the Gospel to people with unsaved loved ones who have already passed? (Accepting it to be true would mean accepting that their loved ones are in hell.)
2. 6:31 {What does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean?} In the Bible, it says to “turn the other cheek.” Does that mean no one is supposed to be punished, except by God? (Meaning we shouldn’t have prisons or protect ourselves and loved ones.)
3. 14:07 {About Adam’s Sin Nature/Original Sin} Does Psalm 51:5 teach that we inherit the guilt of Adam’s sin, not just his sin nature?
4. 23:49 {Unity When We Disagree Politically} There is a lot of contempt within the body of Christ across the political aisle. How can there be genuine unity with those who differ so greatly in thinking when it comes to things like abortion or BLM?
5. 29:36 {How can I Better Support my Pastor?} Aside from tithing and prayer, what are good ways to support my pastor? Would it be weird to send an email each week thanking him for the sermon? I have a social disorder, so I’m always unsure.
6. 34:10 {Bible Study Resource Recommendations?} Do you know of any good Bible Study resources for a group with no teacher, only facilitators?
7. 35:40 {When to “Shake the Dust from our Feet”} At what point are we to “shake off the dust from our feet” as mentioned in Matthew 10: 14 when trying to witness to friends, strangers, loved ones, etc.?
8. 42:53 {God of the Living AND the Dead?} In Mark 12: 27, Jesus says God is the God of the living, not the dead; yet in Roman 14:9, Paul says He is the God of the living and the dead. How do I reconcile this?
9. 48:06 {Should we Ask Qs while Reading Scripture?} Does God want us to ask Him questions and look for the answers in Scripture, even if the Bible does not specifically deal with the question?
10. 50:06 {Historical Evidence for God’s Judgments?} Is there any historical evidence for any of the prophets of the old testament or for any judgments God pronounced on people?
11. 52:26 {Is the Parable of the Talents Works Based?} How do you separate the Parable of the Talents from a works-based Salvation?
12. 59:06 {About Jewish Interpretation} What’s your take on Jewish interpretive methods for Scripture such as Gematria (Matthew 1: 17, Revelation 13: 18) or the Hebrew alphabet and pictographic symbolism? (Psalm 119: 73 for example) “Yod” = Hand, etc.
13. 1:06:17 {About the 10 Plagues of Egypt} How long did the 10 plagues of Egypt last? Were these consecutive events?
14. 1:06:52 {Women are the “Glory” of Man?} I’m studying 1 Corinthians 11, and I’m really struggling with verse 7. It says the woman is the “glory” of the man. What’s your opinion what this glory means?
15. 1:09:28 {Why Didn’t the Father Send Jesus Earlier?} Why didn’t God simply use the “new” covenant right away (meaning, why didn’t He just send Jesus much earlier in the world’s history)?
16. 1:14:00 {Contradicting Genealogies?} Why are the genealogies of Jesus different in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke?
17. 1:15:42 {What is the Purpose of the Christian Life?} If a non-Christian asked you “What is the purpose of life as a Christian?” what would you say, and what Scriptures would you use as a reference?
18. 1:19:16 {Does God Make Mistakes?} How can I help my Christian friend trust God? He reads the OT and thinks God keeps making mistakes and tries to fix them (snake in garden, Noah’s flood). He doesn’t trust Heaven will be better.
19. 1:23:04 {How to Overcome Nervousness in Prayer} Why do I feel nervous to pray? I want to but it feels unnatural to me.
20. 1:25:21 {The Deity of the Holy Spirit} I was wondering if the Bible mentions that the Holy Spirit was in the beginning with God the Father and the Son, and where is the Holy Spirit said to be God?

The NEW BibleThinker mugs can be found here. These are made by a third party and I’m not making any money off of them BUT $5 per mug will go toward to support different ministries I choose. This month we will be giving the money to a missionary couple I know who must remain anonymous due to doing missions where they aren’t allowed to. Since they are under the radar they could really use support. https://www.zockollpottery.com/product-page/new-bible-thinker-mug

Here’s a link to where I deal with what I believe about sin nature. https://youtu.be/ezwpmY73iTA?t=713

Helping you learn to think biblically about everything.


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